How many families were heartbroken
losing their loved ones to demonic
cults? How many lives were ruined
by people who were weakminded and
vulnerable? I am going to prove once and for all that God is more powerful than Satan.Try casting a spells,dark curses,and even death curses on me.Some of you people already know what I look like from my other website the one I sent invitations to view it.The unholy hour is 3 a.m.too mock the holy hour of 3 P.M.when Jesus Christ was
crucified.Now you people can hold a
dark ceremonie holding hands around
fire with my picture in a circle of fire.If you all want to contact dark priests,dark priestesses,who
are in vampirism churches,voodooism
churches,witches,warlocks,demonic cults,blood cults,satanic figures that hate God and love Satan.You can all dress in black and pray to dark forces in the black of the night surrounded by fire and pray to Satan himself and in the end everyone of you will lose.Spells and dark curses won't work on me.I
have over 100 hits on this blog and
even though nobody leaves comments I know some satanic cults are reading it.So if any of you want put curses or spells over me go on and try it. (TAKE YOUR BEST SHOT) You people had your way long enough and just like I put in my
website on God's Ten Commandments