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Friday, July 26, 2024

Satan's Humility

The bible makes it clear first comes humility then come honor. But in Satan's case nothing but humility. God wrote Commandments before anyone eve did so what does Satan have? The devils bible? it will not help him in any way God is more powerful than Satan is or even was

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Satan Keeps Losing

For centuries the saying goes God Bless You in public more than private. Not Satan bless you hedoesn't have that kind of glory and Satan never will because he cannot defeat God his former father. 

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

God Trust / Not Satan

 In America currency reads In God We Trust! Countries in other parts of the world 🌎 might do the same thing. But none out Satan's name on any type of currency. My oh my how good triumphs over evil.