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Thursday, March 28, 2013

Satan Keeps Losing

Today is Holy Thursday in honor of Jesus Christ there is no unholy day in honor of Satan the way it is publicly as for Jesus Christ.Tomorrow is Good Friday a world wide day of mourning for when Jesus Christ died on the cross-there is no unholy day all over the world when Lucifer was cast into Hello for 1000 years.Sunday is Easter Sunday that celebrates Jesus Christ being raised from the dead-there is no celebrations when Satan was released from Hell to tempt people on earth.Satan cannot have the types of world wide glory that Jesus Christ has and he never will.

Monday, March 25, 2013

God Defeats Satan Again

Do satanic cults ever wonder why Gospel music is so popular? It praises God and Jesus all over the world and it is often televised.Now why is it that Satan doesn't have unholy singers on television like christian people? Because God is more powerful than Satan and The Lord Our God is a jealous God as written in Exodus:20 in His Ten Commandments.If Satan were as popular as satanic cults make him out to be his own music would be televised and sold on networks but they are not and even if they were christian gospel music is a billion dollar business it means it's more popular.