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Friday, October 10, 2008

Spells and Curses Don't Work On Me

It's been 60 days since I defyed satanic cults who claim to have the power to cast spells & curses on people.(I'm still here)I am not playing games with you people and if you want to try and cast spells and curses on me go on keep trying.You people claim you have powers to cast over people.What's next all of you gathered at some table and reading a black bible looking for guidance? Are you going to contact some dark priestess or dark priest from another country? This man won't give into to our spells and curses,what shall we do dark priest? I can answer that for you (DUH)The more you try the more you will fail.The more help you seek the more you will come up empty.I am enjoying every bit of this that you people are failing.The more you fail the more Satan is exposed as a failure himself.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

In God's Own Words

I Am The Lord Thy God
Thou Shalt Have No Other gods Before Me
Thou Shalt Not Make Unto Thee Any Graven Image
Thou Shalt Not Take The Name Of The Lord Thy God In Vain
Remember The Sabbath Day To Keep It Holy
Honour Thy Father And Thy Mother
Thou Shalt Not Kill
Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery
Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness
Thou Shalt Not Covet Anything That Is Thy Neighbours.
Written by God on Mount Sinai over
3000 years ago.There is only one God the one who wrote The Ten Commandments the one who counts the one who threw Lucifer out of Heaven and sent him straight to Hell.

Gambling Curse?

Of all the research I've done it does not surprise me what is out there when it comes to curses.Last night I had a bizzare dream that I was being dealt a winning hand.Ace King Queen Jack and Ten when I used to gamble I often got royal flushes
and more often put my winnings back before I woke up I saw this in a dream and it seemed to strong when I rebuked it.I felt something very strong around me there was no pain or anything like that.But I have told many people there is no power on earth that can get me back in a casino.The hits on my blog continue to grow and I know some satanic cults who I invited to read it may be monitoring this and if thats the
case and if any of you think you can place curses and spells over me all of you will cotinue to fail.Why don't you people face the truth Good will triumph over Evil.I hope all of you continue to place spells and curses over me I will enjoy it more and more when you fail.God made me stronger for a reason Satan cannot make you stronger.