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Wednesday, August 6, 2014

God See's Everything--Russian Hackers

Out of 121 international countries that have viewed my blogs Russia comes in first. I saw on the news today that Russian Hackers have stolen 1.2 billion passwords and it wouldn't surprise me if one of them tried to hack my passwords. Last year someone from the country Belgium tried to hack into my Google account and they were unsuccessful because Google notified me.But lately I have to log off my computer when I see messages of suspicious activity and here is the message to Russian Hackers if they are reading my blog. Do any of you people know what God's 8th and 10th Commandments are ? Thou Shalt Not Steal and Thou Shalt Not Covet Anything That Is Thy Neighbors.If Russian Hackers keep doing this eventually they will not only lose to the authorities they will lose to God.Wanna know how they will lose to God? Because eventually Satan's protection will run out! It is God alone who has total control over Satan. Now as far as Satan I am going to keep promoting his death and the most obvious question to alot of people is Why did I make this blog? Because alot of families lost their loved ones to satanic families who love Satan and hate God.