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Thursday, February 13, 2025

Satan's Failings

No matter what Satan does God always out do his past former highest angel. Will he ever concede that God his former father has always been more powerful? Doubt it because his pride got in the way when he was in Heaven. Maybe during that time he was beyond confused kind of insanity to take over.


Monday, February 10, 2025

Power Doesn't Last

History proved that power doesn't last on past leaders who betrayed people by the lust for power and it's own downfall. So how does this apply to Satan? His power is coming to an end when the end of the world comes. He is going to be chained to a lake of fire for a thousand years and there goes his power. God is the one with permanent powers. 

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Sabbath vs Sabbath

There are two types of  Sabbath the witches one that mocks the rituals of the church in honor of Satan and The 4th Commandment by God Remember the sabbath day to keep it holy. God's own is more recognized all over the world and the witches are not recognized globally because God is more powerful than Satan and his followers.