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Saturday, November 9, 2013

God's Power Over Satan

There was a super typhoon in The Phillipines recently and it was 200 mph and that is only something that God can create and send to the earth not Satan.I don't know if satanic cults will ever get the message about Satan that he cannot defeat God his former father all he is capable of is temptation and vanity but he doesn't have the type of supreme powers that his former father has.Because if Satan did he would destroy all holy people on earth and let his own followers remain safe but he cannot do this because God is more powerful after all God wrote His Ten Commandments.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Victims Of Vanity

Vanity is Satan's favorite sin and he uses his own powers to tempt people who are weak and in the world are the most common vanity.Money--Sex--Drugs--Alcohol--Power and what people will do to have it they have no morals or no fear of God Himself.What some people will do and humiliate themselves and have no regard for what they do all in the name of Satan.Of all the research I have done since 2004 up to the present day does not surprise me not only the vanities but also disregarding God's 7th Commandment Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery and God's 10th Commandment Thou Shalt Not Covet Anything.They have no fear of God and give into Satan because they don't realize that God see's everything and one day they will feel his wrath just as Satan has who has no power over his former father he knows.