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Friday, April 20, 2012
Satan's Satanic Cults
Holy and Unholy churches do the same thing and try and get people to join them and the more members they have the more their causes are met.I cant even count how many email inviations I sent out to satanic cults to read this blog whether it was here or on you tube.Certain ones on you tube replied back too me and invited me to join them and there cause to worship Satan.I told them NO pure and simple and I also told them that Satan is the father of all lies and he will give them what they want in the beginning but in the end he will leave them after he has no further use of them.It's been proven in history that once Satan corrupts people and they give into his temptations and something bad happens they suffer without his help.Satan is a user he will do anything to get back at God his former father and one day people who give in too him will realize he is a dirty double crosser.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Satan's False Desciples
While I was speaking against Satan on you tube 3 years ago someone sent me a message and told me that he was actually Satan.He told me that he has seen my blogs and he also told me that I was going to die in 5 years and he will be waiting for me in Hell.I told him that Satan can see everything on earth and if he really was Satan then answer 5 questions about me he couldn't even answer one of them.I also called him a fake and a fraud and I also told him God decides when I die not Satan.He warned me not to make him angry and the next day my computer crashed it made no difference I knew this man was a fake.Just like I told someone else on you tube about the woman I wrote about that was beautiful with a black heart she isn't real despite what I was told on you tube that she is watching and waiting for me on her estate in Europe.As I wrote in this blog they are Satan's false desciples I didn't take either of them seriously mostly the woman in a remote part of Europe plotting to lure me there and keep me there permanently.
Omen From Satan
Rather bizzare in 2006 when the year began I wanted to focus on it being a better year but it didn't seem to work out that way.I had said to God in my prayers that I kept reading about so many false gods and false goddesses and I would research them and from there I would start to promote God's 1st Commandment.At that time Satan didn't even come to mind but that night I had a horrible nightmare where I saw myself getting on an elevator and after the door closed I saw this thing in a black robe and a black hood.It's eyes were white and dark red and the teeth on this thing were black and decayed.It was positively hideous looking and it reached out to grab me.It seemed so real I jumped out of my sleep and was afraid to go back too sleep.Our dreams and nightmares don't come from us but from the subconscious they are existing thoughts beyond and beneath consciousness and they are also totality of processes which the person is not aware of.Two months later I went to Mount Sinai and all fears of Satan and evil were gone.I also had a major gambling problem in Las Vegas I first set foot there on Thursday July 12 1990 and 16 years later on Thursday July 12 2006 I was on the internet praising God and that is when my internet was ruined when lightning struck the phone line.That was the 2nd time in two years that lightning struck but this time my phone was working while my internet was shot and while I was praising God.From there I emailed pastors and ministers and told them this and some said it was an Omen from Satan.Other's said Satan had me marked for death and one minister told me that somehow without knowing it I caused an opening of a satanic realm.Despite all that Satan will never cause me to be afraid of unholy things again because God made me stronger on Mount Sinai it makes sense being the holy land where God wrote His Ten Commandments I don't doubt my heavenly father.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Vampire Cults
As I check my daily stats I not only see European countries that read this blog very often but I also noticed that there were 70 pages views alone on vampirism.This is a serious and even a dangerous cult.Drinking someone elses blood can not only cause someone to be H.I.V.Positive they can also contract Hepatitus.Some of these vampire cults think they can defeat death and have physical immortality it doesn't work that way.Only God has supreme control over life and death.I should know I almost died from 3 blood clots-pneumonia-a threat of lung cancer as well as choking to death,water in my lungs and 3 near car crashes which I could have died and the only reason I survived all this is because of God himself.It is rather bizzare that all this began 13 years ago in 1999,take the three 9's and turn them upside down they are 666.It's been said that all bad things come from the devil and if that is so then Satan must enjoy watching me suffer and being in fear.But ever since I came back from Mount Sinai six years ago and from there all fear of evil is gone.No Vampire life force can drain me-No Voodoo curse can touch me-No Witches or Warlocks can cast spells on me.As usual God gets all the glory for this over me.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Satan's Daughter? Beautiful Woman / Black Heart
Beautiful Woman / Black Heart is a fiction book I wrote and am waiting for my copyrights and later this year my book will be published.Someone on You Tube sent me a message telling me this woman is real and she is watching me and waiting for me.This woman cannot possibly exist she is feared by mistresses and domanitrixes,devil worshippers are cautious of her.This black hearted woman is extremely wealthy and educated and she lives in a remote part of Europe far away from society to do all her evil things.She hates and despises anyone who mocks Lucifer her deep dark father.Next to Satan she has me on the top of her list and again she is not real despite what someone who sent me a message on you tube and later canceled their account long enough to give me a satanic message like that.For this woman to exist it would take an act of Satan and if by some bizarre chance this woman actually exists and is reading this blog.Guess what lady? You will never break me-out think me-or get me to go to Lucifer.I will tell you the same thing I've told others-Maybe God did something too me on top of Mount Sinai without me knowing it.In all my life I am completely unafraid of anything evil and one day you will come to realize that God is more powerful than Satan and as long as I serve my heavenly father anything evil has no power over me.
Monday, April 16, 2012
Satan Loses To God Again
Thou Shalt Have No Other gods Before Me as God made his 1st Commandment-If any satanic cults are reading this there is only one God the one who counts.The one who rose Jesus Christ from the dead-The one who created Heaven and Hell-The one who created Lucifer and sent him to Hell for 1000 years before he released him.The one who has holy churches all over the world that will always have more than Satan's unholy churches.In God we trust on money where Satan's name is forbidden-God's Ten Commandments which are displayed in certain public buildings while Satan is not allowed it sure looks like God wins.
I have also done research on vampire cults and although they do not beleive in Satan they pray to undead gods which in alone goes against Gods 1st Commandment.Alot of these people are dumb and foolish by drinking each others blood there is a world wide epedemic of AIDS.It doesn't matter if someone is tested negative when HIV is ready to surface it will and as far as these cults who pray to the undead they also claim they can draw the lifeforce from human beings and if any vampire priests or priestesses are reading this look at my photo and try and draw the life force from me and the end result will be failure you people have no power over me and you never will God made me stronger for a reason one which your powerless.
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