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Friday, April 20, 2012

Satan's Satanic Cults

Holy and Unholy churches do the same thing and try and get people to join them and the more members they have the more their causes are met.I cant even count how many email inviations I sent out to satanic cults to read this blog whether it was here or on you tube.Certain ones on you tube replied back too me and invited me to join them and there cause to worship Satan.I told them NO pure and simple and I also told them that Satan is the father of all lies and he will give them what they want in the beginning but in the end he will leave them after he has no further use of them.It's been proven in history that once Satan corrupts people and they give into his temptations and something bad happens they suffer without his help.Satan is a user he will do anything to get back at God his former father and one day people who give in too him will realize he is a dirty double crosser.