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Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Vampire Cults
As I check my daily stats I not only see European countries that read this blog very often but I also noticed that there were 70 pages views alone on vampirism.This is a serious and even a dangerous cult.Drinking someone elses blood can not only cause someone to be H.I.V.Positive they can also contract Hepatitus.Some of these vampire cults think they can defeat death and have physical immortality it doesn't work that way.Only God has supreme control over life and death.I should know I almost died from 3 blood clots-pneumonia-a threat of lung cancer as well as choking to death,water in my lungs and 3 near car crashes which I could have died and the only reason I survived all this is because of God himself.It is rather bizzare that all this began 13 years ago in 1999,take the three 9's and turn them upside down they are 666.It's been said that all bad things come from the devil and if that is so then Satan must enjoy watching me suffer and being in fear.But ever since I came back from Mount Sinai six years ago and from there all fear of evil is gone.No Vampire life force can drain me-No Voodoo curse can touch me-No Witches or Warlocks can cast spells on me.As usual God gets all the glory for this over me.