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Saturday, April 14, 2012


I did alot of research on voodooism which is considered unholy to christians and from all the research I did I can see why.Some of the Voodoo Priests & Voodoo Priestesses call spells and curses Mojo's and can often invoke fear into some people who are afraid of voodooism and many of these people cave in and give into fear.More so if they hear voodoo gods & voodoo goddesses and that in intself goes against God's 1st Commandment.I've had little contact with people who practice voodooism and I simply told them to focus on my photo and try making a voodoo doll of me or praying to their so called voodoo gods and voodoo goddesses and the end result will be the same failure.I can write this over and over but ever since I came back from Mount Sinai six years ago all fears of evil are gone and it no longer has an effect on me.So if any people who practice voodooism in Africa or France are reading my blog your welcome to try and place a voodoo curse or spell over me and it will be a waste of your time.God is the only one who holds supreme power all other so called gods and goddesses are false and as far as unholy that comes from Satan who loses to God his former father who created him and still controls him and will destroy him.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Open Message To Satanic Cults

In the past 8 years I've done a great deal of research on Satan-satanic cults-uhnoly churches-dark arts-dark priests-dark priestessess-blood cults-voodooism-vampirism-witches-warlocks and this is only for this blog alone.It seems every day I check my stats on the audience page I am seeing views from Germany-Russia-France quite often but mostly Germany.Now if any satanic cults are reading this blog now you know as well as I do Satan is real and has powers of his own and I saw this with my own eyes 3 years ago in my old apartment.In the middle of the night I felt a pair of hands push my back and when I turned over this thing in a black robe with a hood on was just staring at me it's face was positively hideous and all I did was look back and focused God is more powerful than Satan and it faded.There are probably most people who would not believe in something like that I would simply tell them to give me Sodium Pentathol and see if I was making something like that up.I actually hope that the darkest priests & preistesses would all try and place an unholy dark curse on me because if they do they will fail.Satan no longer has any power over me nor can he evoke fear into since I came back from Mount Sinai where God wrote his Ten Commandments.

Dark Demonic Prayer

In the 1970's The Italian Mafia held a meeting of the top mafia leaders in America to meet and discuss organized crime but they were foiled.I often think if the top satanic cults from other countries in Europe and South America are holding a private meeting on behalf of Satan their prince of darkness.Some of them take Satan very serious and are devoted too him and here is an example 3 years ago I spent two weeks on You Tube trying to help a woman from England who told me she walked away from God and chose to worship Satan.No matter how much I proved to her the things Satan cannot do and loses to God she remained loyal too him.She also warned me not to keep mocking Satan because satanic cults would be offended and this is where I began to wonder if certain dark priests and dark priestesses are holding a private meeting on Friday The 13th which is considered Satan's holiday.Now if this were true and if any dark demonic cults who are so focused on Satan and his glory have read my blog.Are they all planning to gather at 3 A.M.on Friday The 13th and pray to Satan for an unholy miracle against me? I wouldn't be surprised if any of them have been praying that Satan can place a curse or spell on me and if they do the end result will be the same Failure.Maybe God did something too me on top of Mount Sinai in 2006 without me knowing it.Because ever since I came back all my fears of evil are gone Satan has no power over me anymore.His follwers can cast all the spells and curses they want on me it's no use God wins.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Satan Lost To God

In the holy bible-Revelation-Chapter 20 Verse-7 And when the thousand years are expired Satan shall be loosed out of his prison.In all the time and damage Satan has done to the earth he is still a loser to God.He did not have his way and have unholy churches in his name instead of God and Jesus-Satan's own Ten Commandments are not in court houses-Satan's own demise of being sent to Hell is not honored as it is for Jesus Christ on Good Friday.Satan's release from hell is not recognized as joy as it is for Jesus Christ on Easter Sunday.Satan cannot be publicly glorified as Satan bless you that Belongs to God only.His name is not on money as only God's is in God we trust he losese to God his former father over and over.


I also did research on witchcraft another area where pastors and ministers from holy churches do not research.In 2006 a woman who practiced witchcraft told me she was going to cast a spell on me and break my will.I laughed at her and told her to try it I also told her spells and curses will not work on me and I proved her wrong.For a very simple reason ever since I came back from Mount Sinai in Egypt I grew stronger because of God and all spells and curses on me all fail.The more I defy people who have powers the more they fail and they will keep failing no matter what they try on me thanks be to God my father.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

God's 1 Commandment Over False gods

The other research I've done was also on voodooism and vampirism and many of these people pray to their so called Undead-gods.The vampires bible is to also attempt to draw life force from human beings and voodoosim also pray to uhholy gods by their standards.Now if by any chance there vampire cults and voodoo cults are offended by my blog and if they don't think that God in heaven in the only God who counts-Then try and place a voodoo curse on me and vampire cults can attempt to try and draw the life force from me and the end result will be failure.God in heaven placed a shield around me and nothing unholy can pass it and in time vampire cults and voodoo cults will come to know that God is more powerful than the unholy ones they pray to.These people never had any power over and cant will no matter how hard they try.

Dark Priests & Dark Priestesses

Over the past 5 years I have done a great deal of research on satanic cults and I learned alot where most pastors and ministers from holy churches will not attempt to study.In the research I did I also learned that the most serious dark priests and dark priestesses are from Europe and South America.These people cannot be accepted in regular citys because they can invoke fear in some people who are afraid of Satan.They also have some unholy powers to do things for example there are pastors and minsters who pray for miracles from God and Jesus and it has been proven but they get this from Heaven.The ones I did research on can cast spells and curses that are considered unholy and they come from Satan who has powers of his own.As for myself ever since I came back from Mount Sinai in 2006 all my fears of Satan are gone he no longer has any power over me and no matter if there are some dark priests and dark priestesses who can pray a dark prayer at 3 a.m.the demonic hour for powers from Satan to place spells and curses on those who mock the prince of darkness are useless on me.Spells and Curses will not work on me because of God himself the heavenly father is too powerful for Satan and controls him and his powers.Now if by some chance the most feared dark priests and dark priestesses got together and took my photo in this blog and prayed during the demonic hour and asked Satan to break me it will all be a waste of time.For a simple reason I grew stronger on top of Mount Sinai the holy mountain all because of my father and no matter what Satan cannot break God's Ten Commandments or me for that matter.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Satan Loses To God Again

Last week was holy week in honor of God and Satan and in that time many tv networks have shown The Ten Commandments and it seems that Satan's own ten commandments cannot be glorified on tv or any place else for that matter.This is only one reason why Satan cannot defeat his former father in any kind of glory.The glory of God is more world wide than Satan's and no matter how much satanic cults think their prince of darkness is great God is greate God Is King Of His Universe and King Of Independence and maker of The Ten Commandments on top of Mount Sinai in the holy land and Satan has none of this.