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Saturday, August 13, 2011

Devil Worship Exists

When I researched holy churches 3 years ago I saw a man from Europe who had a satanic church and he was seeking followers.Unfortunately I can no longer find the website and I lost alot of information when my internet was ruined in the past.I know this much there are some devil worshipers who read black bibles,pray to Satan and some of them are in remote areas in Europe and South America.People like them cannot be in regular neighborhoods it would cause too much controversy and the more I did research some of them are dark priests and dark priestesses who pray to the devil at 3 a.m.the demonic witching hour their own dark worship of Satan is to give their loyalty and devotion.They are sensitive over their prince of darkness.I sent out many email invitations to these people over the past 3 years and I know this blog is being watched by many of them for another reason:I am probably one of the few people who promote Satan's Death with the best weapon I have:( The Truth) I can't stop you people from luring weak minded people away from their families into your dark cults but I can do my best from helping people who don't know any better from being destroyed.Even though I failed two years ago trying to help a woman from England I am still going to try and help others.If some of these dark cults had their way they would have me to themselves in a remote part of Europe or South America.Satan's followers surrounding one of God's followers by himself;Because of the complications of a blood clot in my leg it is not possible to travel on a plane long distance how some cults would love to get ahold of me for mocking their prince of darkness.