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Thursday, November 14, 2024

Satan The Imposter

Even in the opposite of the dark arts are people who are claiming God gave them a gift to perform. Like the spiritual mediums who tell people that they can talk to the dead. The people who believe that are naive and pay money to be deceived. God doesn't give those type of power he is the one who controls the dead. 

Satan can manipulate even religious people who think of nothing evil by a delusional way of going against God. 

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Practitioners of Tara Cards

 I got read years ago and it turned out to be fake almost making me a fool until God opened my eyes to the truth. He is the only one who can see the future and for the ones who see great wealth coming to them tends to fall under black magic. Some of them use the universe some use God's name as confirmations that alone goes against God's 3rd and 9th Commandments. 

It may not seem it to the practitioners but they are acting like God telling the ones who are weak minded. 

Monday, November 11, 2024

Practitioners of Werewolves

Although werewolves are a myth they are associated with the mark of the beast meaning Satan. From the days of Artemis and Zeus who were known as a god and a goddess. Where are they now? Then didn't have the power to control Satan. What have they achieved ?

They mocked God and His First Commandment.