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Saturday, October 6, 2012

Satan Losses Continue

I have alot of international readers mostly from Russia-Germany-United Kingdom are the most of different countries who read this blog.In America every October 31st is Halloween and alot of it is based on people dressing up as vampires-werewolves-creatures of the night and things that all are to be thought of unholy to certain christians but this is where Satan loses again this is only done once a year while every year there is holy week and movies on tv such as The Ten Commandments King Of Kings Samson and Delilah and films about God's servants in history.While Halloween seems to be only fun it still has merit in certain dark circles on all hallows eve.Whether it is fun or not Satan will still lose out to God and he will never have unholy week to honor his own demons.No matter how I write on this blog Satan cannot dfeat God his former father whether it is fiction or non fiction.

Friday, October 5, 2012

More Losses For Satan

When it comes to the holy and unholy Satan loses to God and here is how: All over the world there are ministers,deacons,pastors,priests,bishops,and so many combined with holy churches that are the holy workers of God.How many dark priests and dark priestesses are there in the world? Are there as many as holy workers than unholy workers? No because Satan is outnumbered whether it's angels and demons heaven and hell Satan never did and he never will defeat his former father.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Satan Continues To Lose

God's 2nd Commandment Thou Shalt Not Make Unto Thee Any Graven Image.I do not approve of any graven image because God commanded not to make any.This is where Satan continues to lose again there are holy images in public places all over the world and they are holy and in citys for many too admire them.Satan has no likeness of himself as in Brazil or Italy or other countries for people to admire him and further more no city official will ever take down holy statues and replace them with Satan or his demons so again Satan and his demons lose out to the higher powers in heaven over hell and he will never be able to defeat God his former father.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Satan's Sin Backfired

The bible states Lead Us Not Into Temptation and temptation comes from weakness or in another way to describe it as Vanity and that is Satan's favorite sin.Now if vanity is Satan's favroite sin then he must surely hate my vanity and that is God My Heavenly Father and He alone stands to reason for many things God Is King Of His Universe he wrote His Ten Commandments from His Kingdom and if people read that the planet Mars is 352 million miles above the earth and that Heaven is above the planet Mars and He sent down his writing on Mount Sinai making His Ten Commandments.Are there any satanic cults willing to admit that God is more powerful than Satan? He is no matter what any of them think Satan cannot defeat his former father because God is the only one who controls Satan.