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Thursday, April 19, 2012

Satan's False Desciples

While I was speaking against Satan on you tube 3 years ago someone sent me a message and told me that he was actually Satan.He told me that he has seen my blogs and he also told me that I was going to die in 5 years and he will be waiting for me in Hell.I told him that Satan can see everything on earth and if he really was Satan then answer 5 questions about me he couldn't even answer one of them.I also called him a fake and a fraud and I also told him God decides when I die not Satan.He warned me not to make him angry and the next day my computer crashed it made no difference I knew this man was a fake.Just like I told someone else on you tube about the woman I wrote about that was beautiful with a black heart she isn't real despite what I was told on you tube that she is watching and waiting for me on her estate in Europe.As I wrote in this blog they are Satan's false desciples I didn't take either of them seriously mostly the woman in a remote part of Europe plotting to lure me there and keep me there permanently.