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Friday, December 30, 2011
Satan's Downfall
2012 will be a better year for this blog I am going to search harder for as many of satanic sites I can find on the internet.Once I do this there will be more and more email invites to view my blog and the end result will be the same: God is more powerful than Satan.
Friday, November 18, 2011
Satan Loses Again and Again
What is commonly known in America? One nation under God:There never has been nor this will never be one nation under Satan in this country or any other country.This is one reason why Satan loses to his former father again and again.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Satan's Time Is Coming
Revelation:20 Verse:7 And when the thousands years are expired Satan shall be loosed out of his prison.Despite all the damage Satan cause since he was released from Hell his own time will come when he dies by the hand of God his former father.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Devil Worship Exists
When I researched holy churches 3 years ago I saw a man from Europe who had a satanic church and he was seeking followers.Unfortunately I can no longer find the website and I lost alot of information when my internet was ruined in the past.I know this much there are some devil worshipers who read black bibles,pray to Satan and some of them are in remote areas in Europe and South America.People like them cannot be in regular neighborhoods it would cause too much controversy and the more I did research some of them are dark priests and dark priestesses who pray to the devil at 3 a.m.the demonic witching hour their own dark worship of Satan is to give their loyalty and devotion.They are sensitive over their prince of darkness.I sent out many email invitations to these people over the past 3 years and I know this blog is being watched by many of them for another reason:I am probably one of the few people who promote Satan's Death with the best weapon I have:( The Truth) I can't stop you people from luring weak minded people away from their families into your dark cults but I can do my best from helping people who don't know any better from being destroyed.Even though I failed two years ago trying to help a woman from England I am still going to try and help others.If some of these dark cults had their way they would have me to themselves in a remote part of Europe or South America.Satan's followers surrounding one of God's followers by himself;Because of the complications of a blood clot in my leg it is not possible to travel on a plane long distance how some cults would love to get ahold of me for mocking their prince of darkness.
Monday, August 1, 2011
God's More Powerful Than Satanic Cults Know.
I have over 1000 visitors here and alot of them are probably from satanic cults who I sent out email invites to view my blog.Did any of you people ever stop to think Satan cannot fully protect you? Think about it God controls Satan's powers and the best thing I can do on this blog is to help keep weak minded people from being taken away from their families and wind up being corrupted and their lives destroyed.If I can't change your minds about Satan on this blog then maybe God can change your mind He is alot more powerful than Satan and one day you people will come to know what was written in the holy bible Revelation:20 Verse:7 And when the thousand years are expired Satan shall be loosed out of his prison.If Satan worshipers think their dark lord is more powerful than his former father think again: Satan was released by God not of his own powers.
Friday, July 22, 2011
Deal With The Devil
Today is 3 years I came out with this blog promoting Satan's Death and the more I looked back at the last 12 years of my life it made me wonder about something.How many people have made a deal with the devil to sell their souls in exchange for everything they ever wanted? Satan is the father of all lies he will give people who seek him with all the things they want only to be later betrayed.1999 began my hardships take the three 9's and turn them upside down and they are 666.In that 12 years I said goodbye to my parents goodbye on their death beds in hospitals,I also said goodbye to my best friend before he died of cancer.I was almost killed in 3 near car accidents,I almost choked to death I lost a dear friend to cancer.I lost peace and found hardships but not by choice I was always getting in the middle of peoples arguments,what started off as the flu turned into a threat of lung cancer,I tore the tendons in my shoulder and lost my strength and everywhere I turned was sadness and grief followed by financial ruin and finally almost facing amputation of my leg and nearly dying from 3 blood clots.I have had alot more grief over the past 7 years alone since I began promoting God's Ten Commandments.Despite having horrible nightmares some to the point of jumping out of my sleep I survived it all for 2 reasons I would never betray God even though he tested my faith and the 2nd is I would never give into Satan the father of all lies.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Satan Loses To God Again
Not only are God's Ten Commandments more powerful than Satan's Ten Commandments they hold more value for another reason: Only God is above the law Satan on the other hand is a former high angel from heaven who could not defeat his former father there for he loses to God again.
Friday, June 10, 2011
Satanic Cults
I am getting alot of feedback from satanic cults on you tube and most of them want me to be their friend.I told them that I can never be their friend,they are into satanism and they all praise the devil.Over 900 people viewed this blog and I know alot of them are satanic cults who I sent out email invitations over the past 3 years since I made this blog.These people will not publicly reveal themselves too me because I know what they are into: They are into rituals and sacrifices they are dark priests and most of them are from Europe and South America.If any from you tube or the other ones I mentioned are reading this,Satan will use all of you he will tempt you and give you what you want but later on he will drop all of you like a dead fish.Satan is the father of all lies and he will never defeat God his former father.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
I'm Still Here
All bad things come from the devil and summing up the last 7 years of my life has been a living nightmare.I should have been killed in 3 near car crashes,I almost choked to death in a public place and no one came to help me.I should've had lung cancer I also had horrible nightmares some to the point when I jumped out of my sleep and was afraid to go back to bed.I have seen people sick in hospitals and nursing homes enough to make me sick to my stomach and I later wound up in them.I have had some people telling me they were going to place spells and curses on me,I lost my car,my job,and my money but all in all I am still here and I refuse to back down from Satan.
Monday, May 30, 2011
Spells and Curses Don't Work On Me
There was a time I was afraid of evil but ever since I came back from Egypt 5 years ago all fears have been gone.It's often said that God works in mysterious ways and maybe God did something too me on top of Mount Sinai without me knowing it.So if any satanic cults who read my email invitations are reading this:Your wasting your time if any of you try and cast spells and curses on me.The more you try the more I will defy you and I know this blog is being watched there are under 900 visitors.Do any of you think that scares me? ((((( Think Again)))))
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Satan Is Going To Die
Even though May 21st 2011 wasn't the end of the world,the one true thing remains The Death Of Satan eventually his own time will come by the hand of his former father.
Thursday, May 12, 2011
The Downside Of My Blog
I know I have enemies out there more so in Europe but they will not openly admit who they are.Over the past 3 years since I launched this blog and twice in 2009 I did get two warnings what would happen too me if I continue this.The first came from a woman from Europe on you tube when I tried to help her go back to God and she told me in a two week period her loyalty is now to Satan and if I continued to mock and promote Satan's death she would contact dark priests and they would place a curse on me.I told her spells and curses don't work on me and if she persisted then contact them and pray to Satan at 3:00 a.m.the demonic witching hour and it won't do any bad too me and another time a woman who practiced witch craft and she threatened to break my will I told her it was a waste of time and she warned me not to test her powers and I did and finally a man from Europe emailed me on you tube and told me he was in fact Satan and he predicted my death in 5 years and he would be waiting for me in Hell.I told him if he was the devil then he could see everything on earth and if that is the case answer 5 questions about me and he didn't answer one.Satanic cults even invited me to join them and worship Satan I told them no,and until the day I die I will continue to keep weak minded people away from them and if there are any who did stray away from their familes and worship Satan and if they are reading my blog the best weapon I have against Satan the truth and that is the one barrier he cannot pass.As for myself there was a time I was afraid of evil but ever since I came back from Mount Sinai all fear of evil is gone maybe God did something too me on the holy mountain without me knowing it I could spend the night alone in a haunted house and it would have no effect on me evil doesn't scare me anymore.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Why I Promote Satan's Death
In 2008 I was on google doing research on holy churches and I saw one that stood out far over all other churches.It was a man from Europe that had his own dark satanic church and from what I saw it was in a remote area and this man wanted people to join and worship in his church in the name of Satan.I had internet problems at that time and I lost all the information but it was only the beginning of research places that are often in remote areas far away from normal cities.I can't even count how many people joined these dark churches by being lured by those who worship Satan and that is only the beginning of families who became heart broken losing loved ones and that is why I promote The Death Of Satan,I can't stop these satanic cults but I can do my best to help keep weakminded people away from them and hopefully some families will never have to go through this kind of heart break losing their loved ones I am trying to help prevent this.The best weapon I have against Satan is the truth the one he cannot defeat that God is more powerful than Satan.As the past three years went on the more I began to think about families who lost their loved ones.Parents who raised their children right from wrong but when some who reached a certain age had joined satanic cults and became part of their dark families.As a result of this many families who had their loved ones destined to be doctors or laywers or any other career they lost intrest in their families and chose to join cults who worship Satan and corrupt weak people.
Friday, April 1, 2011
April Fool Day
Now if any satanic cults are reading this then know this well,April fools day is all for Satan.Think about Oh people who praise their prince of darkness when he was first created as Lucifer the perfect angel he wanted to take over and failed.God his former father sent him to hell for 1000 years and it was God who released Satan from hell.If Satan is so powerful than why didn't he escape from hell on his own? Very simple reason God gave him powers and God controls his powers because if Satan had his way he would kill all God fearing people.He cannot do this because his former father God would not allow Satan to do that so once again April fool day is all for Satan for he is the biggest fool of all for thinking he's more powerful than God his former father.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Until The Day I Die
I can't help wondering how many familes have been heartbroken losing loved ones to satanic cults.Hard working parents who raise their children from right and wrong and the sad part is how some of them strayed away from their family to join a satanic cult to worship Satan.They take part in rituals and sacrafices and become part of dark familes run by dark priests.I'm not a lawyer but I know this much legally not too much can be done by families losing loved ones to these cults and I know I can't stop them but I do know this the best weapon I have is the truth against satan and in hopes some of these people will come to their senses and do the right thing.I saw the stats on my home page and I know some satanic cults are reading it after I sent out email invitations for them to know the truth.Before my previous computer crashed and I lost all my information some man emailed me and claimed to be Satan 2 years ago and predicted my death within 5 years and he's going to be waiting for me in hell I will tell any satanic cult reading my blog: Spells and Curses don't work on me and until the day I die I will continue to fight for families who lost loved ones and future familes who feel their children approach the age of 18 I will be here for them and fight and keep fighting to help prevent this and help those who don't what else to do.If my father were alive he would have taken the law into his own hands that is another way I can try and help prevent so people can see I'm trying.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Satan Continues To Fail To God
For any satanic cults who view my blog then view this.When people get married even if it's not in a church and by a justice of the peace,they all have something in common when they perform the ceremonie.By the powers vested in that is meant to be the powers vested in them is guided by God.Or they can also say that the marriage they are performing is in an alliance with God.It's amazing how Satan loses out to God his former father and one day satanic cults will realize God out does Satan.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Satan Must Be Furious
The longer I live the longer I will keep promoting The Death Of Satan and the things he cannot due and never will due because his powers are controlled by his former father God.He must be furious seeing this blog as well as seeing everything on earth.I'm sure Satan would love to get ahold of me and have me all too himself.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
God Wins Over Satan Again
Over 3000 years ago God wrote His Ten Commandments in the holy land on Mount Sinai.Although it has never actually been record on when Satan's Ten Commandments were written and by who it still is public knowledge that Las Vegas is often called Sin City and The Devil's Playground his own ten commandments were not actually written there and yet there probably is an unholy city somewhere in the world but remains to be discovered and there may lay the ground work for when and where they were written.One way or the other God's holy mountain again wins over his former favorite angel who fell into disgrace.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
God Over Satan
Over the years I sent out email invitations to satanic cults to view my blog against there prince of darkness.Until the day I die I will continue to promote The Death Of Satan and if I can help bring some of his followers back to God will be good and if I can't I can still promote Satan's death and the things he can never do and just as important it is God who controls Satan powers and once again God over Satan.
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