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Monday, November 4, 2019

Satan's Failure Shown Here

Water comes from God not Satan!
If Satan's followers are so loyal too him then why are they accepting a gift from God? 

Without water we would all die and as usual Satan fails again because God is more powerful!

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Satan Failed His Followers

Fire is in Hell for the forever followers of Satan, but in the meantime on earth all human beings need water to survive!

God is the one who supplies water and whether the followers of Satan don't want to admit this he cannot send us water! 

Only God and do this because the supreme father is the one who created water before time on earth began and even before Lucifer was created.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

God Won't Allow It

The story of Job describes how he lost everything including his family. God allowed Satan to do this with one exception! He couldn't kill Job!

How come I'm still alive after doing this for 11 years now? Satan can't kill me because God won't allow him.

Saturday, August 3, 2019

Satan Can't Kill

The story of Job was interesting to say the least! God allowed Satan to take everything away from Job.

With one condition! He couldn't kill Job and if he can't kill it only proves that God is more powerful.

I'm living proof! 11 years of mocking Satan! How come I'm still alive?

Because I'm under God's protection!

Friday, February 1, 2019

God's Sabbath Over The Witches Sabbath

In doing research over the past 11 years of the dark arts I've also done research on witchcraft. The Witches Sabbath is Satan's way of mocking God!

These are the dark arts and the dark glory is directed to Satan from his followers. But they overlooked God's 4th Commandment Remember The Sabbath Day to Keep It Holy!

This is where witches and Satan lose to God! The Witches Sabbath is known in all of America but not recognized all over the world!

God's Ten Commandments are more recognized than any witches sabbath or any dark arts priest or dark priestesses.