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Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Proof God Is King

I Am The Lord Thy God 

Satan couldn't prevent this 

1st Thou Shalt Not Have No Other Gods Before Me 

2nd Thou Shalt Not Make Unto Thee Any Graven Image 

3rd Thou Shalt Not Take The Name Of The Lord Thy God In Vein 

4th Remember The Sabbath Day To Keep It Holy 

5th Honor Thy Father And Thy Mother 

6th Thou Shalt Not Kill 

7th Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery 

8th Thou Shalt Not Steal 

9th Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness 

10th Thou Shalt Not Covet Anything That Is Thy Neighbors 

So It Was Written 

Saturday, October 31, 2020

Satans Dark Promise

Since he was let loose from his prison Satan has corrupted the nations he will get as many souls on earth for Hell. 

People who seek Satan out will find him and if they sell their souls he will give them what they want. 

Even the promise of eternal life and although he is the father of all lies, he actually told the truth. 

Eternal life yes! But in Hell?

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Satan's Biggest Failure

 All these satanic organizations that follow Satan and do his work are tricked with false motives!

Satan can't protect people in Hell because God is the one who created it as a form of eternal punishment. It is God who is the one that controls the fires in Hell. 

Satan can't protect his unholy followers in Hell because he can't even protect himself from his former father!

He had no power over Jesus Christ during his 40 days and nights in the desert and he doesn't have any power over Christ in Hell. 

So how will he protect his own followers from God who has total control?

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Satan's Public Disgrace

All bad things come from the devil it's a fact more so when so many people lose all hope. Yet people know Jesus Christ is the Savior and he will return to the earth 🌎 for the second time.

Do people cave into fear and publicly cry out to Satan for help? Have any of them openly admitted to serving him instead of God? NO! That in itself is Satan's own public disgrace that God and Jesus are more powerful and Satan lost again.

Friday, July 31, 2020

12 Years Later

I opened this blog in 2008 in hopes of some people who walked away from God and chose Satan to worship, and to add insult to injury some left their families

to become part of satanic families. The best weapon I have against Satan is the truth which he is powerless against.

God, Jesus and Wisdom will always be more powerful than Satan!

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Satan Cannot Win

With all these religious television programs and radio gospel they honor God and Jesus Christ!

Satan cannot have that type of glory from millions of people all over the world

God won't allow this and so much for the prince of darkness who keeps losing to God and Jesus!

Monday, June 1, 2020

Take A Hard Look Satanists

When the end of the world comes Satan will be chained to lake of fire for 1000 years! He will be totally helpless before 

he is released for the second time,so I do hope that satanists will think about this and Repent while you have time.

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Hell Itself

God created everything before Lucifer and when people die they wind up in Heaven or Hell. 

There are countless videos on YouTube of people who were pronounced dead and saw both places. 

Heaven is a place of peace 
Hell is a pit of huge fires 

When people wind up in Hell Satan cannot protect them because God is the one who administers the punishments. 

People who stay loyal to Satan are meant to suffer and he cannot help them. 

Walk away from him and go back to God and Jesus Christ! If people are afraid of Satan they will be protected. 

He has no power over God and Jesus.


Sunday, April 12, 2020

Satan Lost To Wisdom

Wisdom was with God before the earth and the heavens were formed!
Lucifer came later as an angel before he was sent to Hell, thus giving Wisdom the higher honor.

Lucifer wasn't with God before the very beginning it was Wisdom and not only did Satan lose to God and Jesus
He lost to Wisdom as well.

Friday, April 10, 2020

Satan Loses To Christ Again

Good Friday is when Christ was crucified on the cross and died for the sins of us all he was risen from the dead 3 days later.
Satan was cast down into Hell and he reamained there for 1000 years before God released him. There aren't any holidays that glorify Satan when he was released from Hell!

So obvious God favored his only son after 3 days and condemned Satan for 1000 years.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Satan Loses To Jesus Christ

There are dozens of videos on YouTube on Hell itself which incidentally it's believed to located below the earths core.

There are many testimonies that people saw Hell by being in it they were shown by Jesus Christ! can they all be wrong?

Satan had no power over Christ in the desert 40 days and 40 nights, even as The Saviour to the earth walked through Hell

Satan is powerless to do anything to Jesus Christ thus making him powerless again and again!

Saturday, February 29, 2020

Satan Is Powerless In Hell

There are dozens of videos on YouTube that people said they saw Hell and Satan.
They were showed Hell by Jesus Christ!

Can every single one of those people be wrong about Hell and Satan? The people who saw this were shown for a reason!

They were also allowed to leave with Jesus Christ! So if Satan rules his own kingdom, how come he didn't prevent these people from leaving Hell?

Satan has no power over Jesus Christ whether it was in the desert 40 days or if someone is in hell shown by him.

Satan loses to God and Jesus as well as Wisdom, who was with God before the earth and the heavens were created!