In everything written since people were able to write and it didn't matter what century it debuted from the earliest to the devils bible all the way up to God's Ten Commandments. No writing in history can ever compare to God's won writing especially Satan's own writing he can't defeat God in any way shape or form he is not as powerful.
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Thursday, March 6, 2025
Saturday, March 1, 2025
Satan's Losing to Jesus
No one actually knows when the end of days are coming just God when he decides to send his only son back to earth for the second time but until then? More people are praising Jesus Christ all over the internet than ever before and more people are following him in and out of churches Satan is losing his appeal and he knows this is bad on him.
Sunday, February 23, 2025
Can Satan Do This?
When he was called Lucifer he was known as the bright light in the universe there for he wasn't there when God created the universe. It just goes to show and prove that God is more powerful than Satan he always was and always will be Satan does not have Supreme powers.
Thursday, February 20, 2025
To My Readers
To everyone domestic and internationally I have been doing this for 17 years now in hopes of keeping people away from satanists the ones who love Satan and hate God. The research that I did in all of these years were somewhat shocking. No matter how much I checked it didn't seem to make a difference to some of them. God is more powerful than Satan and here are other examples. Satan does have powers of his own that can cause death and destruction if he had his way Satan could easily kill me. So why am I still here? That's very simple God controls Satan's powers as well as him and will not let him destroy me while i am under God's protection. I can't count how many families were heart broken after their sons and daughters left and became dark priests and dark priestesses and didn't admit that God is Supreme.
Monday, February 17, 2025
From A to Z
An alphabetical analogy if you will from Athena to Zanaru and some readers what does this have to do with Satan or past called a one named Lucifer? He is part of the analogy of false gods as well as false goddesses each and every one of them claiming to be above any and all human beings. when there is only one God the one who counts as per His 1st Commandment Thou Shat Not have No Other gods Before Me.
Sunday, February 16, 2025
The World Wide Truth
Since time itself began after Adam and Eve the world was slowly being populated and eventually the people grew and what has that proved that people knew about God and Satan good vs evil. In all that time everyone knows that it was God who cast Satan into Hell for causing a rebellion against God his former father. He had not enough powers because they were limited even as they are now for some reason some people ignore and deny the fact God is more powerful than Satan.
Thursday, February 13, 2025
Satan's Failings
No matter what Satan does God always out do his past former highest angel. Will he ever concede that God his former father has always been more powerful? Doubt it because his pride got in the way when he was in Heaven. Maybe during that time he was beyond confused kind of insanity to take over.
Monday, February 10, 2025
Power Doesn't Last
History proved that power doesn't last on past leaders who betrayed people by the lust for power and it's own downfall. So how does this apply to Satan? His power is coming to an end when the end of the world comes. He is going to be chained to a lake of fire for a thousand years and there goes his power. God is the one with permanent powers.
Sunday, February 9, 2025
Sabbath vs Sabbath
There are two types of Sabbath the witches one that mocks the rituals of the church in honor of Satan and The 4th Commandment by God Remember the sabbath day to keep it holy. God's own is more recognized all over the world and the witches are not recognized globally because God is more powerful than Satan and his followers.
Friday, February 7, 2025
Satan's time is running out
More people are going to Jesus Christ instead of going to Satan. More people are reading the Bible More and more people are focusing on God's Ten Commandments. It looks like Satan's followers are headed in the direction of holy instead of unholy.
Tuesday, February 4, 2025
Satanists Insulting God
In Ontario, Canada satanists want to put up a statue to honor Satan I suppose some people don't get the message on what happened two years ago in Brazil after there was a parade honoring the devil and what had followed by the wrath of God. or the fires in Los Angeles after some people were mocking God and some people were laughing but they weren't laughing after their houses burnt down and now this coming in Ontario. What satanists don't comprehend That Satan cannot protect them in Hell. Because God created it in the first place for eternal punishment if they repent and seek God's forgiveness.
Other Religions
Outside of Christianity there are false gods and false goddesses and they avoid Jesus Christ and God's own 1st Commandment. Probably why Satan doesn't attack the other religions as he does the Christians who worship the one God and his only son. God gives everyone a chance to repent and go back to him while they still have time on earth.
Friday, January 31, 2025
Satan Powerless
Those fires in Los Angeles came 24 hours after some people in Hollywood mocked God and the audience were laughing. They didn't think it was funny when their homes burned down. As far as the other one Satan didn't do it because if he did then he was defending God and there's no way he would defend someone who casted him to Hell.
Monday, January 27, 2025
Satan & Posesidon
Both are fake when it comes to what is written here both do not have supreme powers that God only has. It is clear in God's 1st Commandment.
Friday, January 24, 2025
Satanic Seance?
It is when Satanists try to communicate with the devil by doing a seance just like opening a door but this door is a dark portal from which these people haven't seen or knew anything about it. All it can do is cause fear in such a dark way they aren't only in a dark trend they are causing an evil invitation and an abomination towards God.
Sunday, January 19, 2025
Fire and Fright
When Hollywood was mocking God at some event they were in the audience laughing but weren't laughing when their homes were burned to the ground. This is only an example of how God is more powerful than Satan and if people follow him instead of God and of Jesus Christ their fate will be a lot more severe than Hollywood. My advice to those who follow Satan? Repent while you still have time.
Thursday, January 16, 2025
Where's Satan Now?
That's the most obvious question of all where is Satan now as the fires that were a supremely type of damage by God. 24 hours before the fires started some in Hollywood were mocking God and some people in the audience were laughing. If their houses had burned to the ground they weren't laughing then.
Monday, January 13, 2025
Satan's Telepathic Backfire
People are often fooled by telepathy getting thoughts from one person to another person. Or in some cases people said the devil made them do it or the devil told me to do it. What people overlook is that God created human beings and in his creation comes a brain that guides our thoughts. If Satan actually had telepathic powers he would control most of the worlds thoughts. Just another trick by him to lure and confuse people to avoid God and Jesus that being said on telepathy are from Apollo and Athena false god and false goddess no powers at all.
Friday, January 10, 2025
Satan's Major Defeat
Even though Satan has his own powers he was totally powerless to prevent God from writing his own ten commandments on Mount Sinai. He can never out do or out think his former father.
Sunday, January 5, 2025
Tricked by Satan
Satan can corrupt people by tricking them while all the time he is corrupting them. By letting people know that they aren't doing anything wrong and here's how. All of these false gods and goddesses in history are supposed to be a peaceful factor in life and it may seem harmless to have crystals 🔮 as a form of help and protection it actually is an abomination to Gods 1st Commandment Thou Shalt Not Have No Other gods Before Me. The Supreme Father is the one who gives the world protection to the ones who ask for it. But some don't and rely on the other.
Friday, January 3, 2025
Satan's Time Out
Satan's time is running out he had no power over God when he was in Heaven. He had no power over Jesus Christ in the desert and he couldn't stop God from writing his ten commandments on Mount Sinai either.
Wednesday, January 1, 2025
17th Year
I opened this 17 years ago to help people stay away from Satan and his works and he won't admit that God his own former father is more powerful and has done it all. Satan has powers of his own but they are controlled by God. If they weren't Satan would destroy every single religion God feared people.
He can't do this nor can he have the glory of Jesus it's not going to happen Satan lost.