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Friday, May 18, 2012

Satan And Others Lose

Between this blog and satanic cults have something in common with mistresses-domanitrixes-supremacists-voodooism-vampirism-witches-warlocks all seem to think they have some type of power alot of people don't have.The reality of it all is that God has supreme powers no one else has,Satan can't defeat his former father and he knows it.As far as the others I had just wrote about are just as foolish claiming to be gods and goddesses who have no supreme powers.They mock and insult God by wanting to be worshiped and many expect to be worshiped but little do they know they are human beings and cannot do the supreme things only God can do and one day they will feel his wrath unless they repent now and ask God for his holy forgiveness and the father does forgive.