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Saturday, September 13, 2008

Another Curse?

In some of the research I already did on curses some were about dream curses.Last night I woke up in the middle of the night after having a dream about my dog.She was the best dog I ever had Reny was half Collie and half Shepherd she was 14 years
old when she died.Her birthday was September 15th and I thought about her alot these past few days.But in the dream she was a vicious animal and she tried to go for my throat.I told Reny to stop and then I woke up.Now if some of the satanic cults
I emailed and defyed them to put a curse on me (It Didn't Work) Curses and Spells (WILL NOT WORK ON ME) It seems some people just do not get the message here.The more any of you try the more you fail.Do any of you think this has any effect on me? I'm still here promoting Satans

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