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Saturday, October 18, 2008
Dark Black Curse?
It's been proven that people who do God's work can help to perform miracles with the help of God and Jesus.Satanic cults can place spells and curses on people with the help of Satan and some people will give into their own fears by fearing the devil before fearing God.After I wrote a post 60 days passed no curse or spell would work on me something happened the other night.I woke up in the middle of the night I went in my living room to go on the internet and it was pitch dark all around me for only a few seconds.I couldn't even see the streetlights from my window it was that dark.I have been doing 14 hour days on both my jobs,doing hours and hours of internet work as well as going to churches.I have been so tired lately I had to drag myself in the gym today after a 30 day layoff.It's not what I did in the weight room that even surprised me it was on the treadmill.I had no desire to get on it.After I did I put my headphones on and flicked on the cable channels and there was an animated movie of the ten commandments.I had no intentions of going to the gym and even going on a treadmill.What were the odds of a cable station playing the ten commandments hooked up to a treadmill at the time I had no intentions of even getting on it? As far as this thing the other night being a dark curse:(It Didn't Work) I'm Still Here.When are you cults going to learn that you don't have any powers over me?
Sunday, October 12, 2008
One Mistake I Will Never Make
What is the old saying never say never? I can for several reasons.I read about the mistakes that Samson and Moses made when they lived.Both took God for granted Moses and the hebrews needed water and Moses had struck the rock with twice instead of one time and he paid for it later..After he brought down God's Ten Commandments from Mount Sinai he wasn't going to the promised land like the others had to walk in the wilderness 40 years same as the others and when he died God buried him.Samson made a mistake of taking God for granted by giving up the secret of his strength.Putting his own trust in a person before he put his own trust in God.They both had turned away from God for their own reasons and they paid for it for a very long time.I do NOT intend to make the mistake of turning away from God for my own reasons.If I do I will pay for it later on and the shield that God placed around me can easily be taken away.I have no intentions of becoming humiliated by losing my strength.Satanic cults would love too see me weak and make Satan proud.History has been written for a reason so we can learn of knowledge of others mistakes.I know satanic cults who worship the devil would love to see me a broken and humiliated man but they never will get the chance as long as God's shield around me.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Spells and Curses Don't Work On Me
It's been 60 days since I defyed satanic cults who claim to have the power to cast spells & curses on people.(I'm still here)I am not playing games with you people and if you want to try and cast spells and curses on me go on keep trying.You people claim you have powers to cast over people.What's next all of you gathered at some table and reading a black bible looking for guidance? Are you going to contact some dark priestess or dark priest from another country? This man won't give into to our spells and curses,what shall we do dark priest? I can answer that for you (DUH)The more you try the more you will fail.The more help you seek the more you will come up empty.I am enjoying every bit of this that you people are failing.The more you fail the more Satan is exposed as a failure himself.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
In God's Own Words
I Am The Lord Thy God
Thou Shalt Have No Other gods Before Me
Thou Shalt Not Make Unto Thee Any Graven Image
Thou Shalt Not Take The Name Of The Lord Thy God In Vain
Remember The Sabbath Day To Keep It Holy
Honour Thy Father And Thy Mother
Thou Shalt Not Kill
Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery
Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness
Thou Shalt Not Covet Anything That Is Thy Neighbours.
Written by God on Mount Sinai over
3000 years ago.There is only one God the one who wrote The Ten Commandments the one who counts the one who threw Lucifer out of Heaven and sent him straight to Hell.
Thou Shalt Have No Other gods Before Me
Thou Shalt Not Make Unto Thee Any Graven Image
Thou Shalt Not Take The Name Of The Lord Thy God In Vain
Remember The Sabbath Day To Keep It Holy
Honour Thy Father And Thy Mother
Thou Shalt Not Kill
Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery
Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness
Thou Shalt Not Covet Anything That Is Thy Neighbours.
Written by God on Mount Sinai over
3000 years ago.There is only one God the one who wrote The Ten Commandments the one who counts the one who threw Lucifer out of Heaven and sent him straight to Hell.
Gambling Curse?
Of all the research I've done it does not surprise me what is out there when it comes to curses.Last night I had a bizzare dream that I was being dealt a winning hand.Ace King Queen Jack and Ten when I used to gamble I often got royal flushes
and more often put my winnings back before I woke up I saw this in a dream and it seemed to strong when I rebuked it.I felt something very strong around me there was no pain or anything like that.But I have told many people there is no power on earth that can get me back in a casino.The hits on my blog continue to grow and I know some satanic cults who I invited to read it may be monitoring this and if thats the
case and if any of you think you can place curses and spells over me all of you will cotinue to fail.Why don't you people face the truth Good will triumph over Evil.I hope all of you continue to place spells and curses over me I will enjoy it more and more when you fail.God made me stronger for a reason Satan cannot make you stronger.
and more often put my winnings back before I woke up I saw this in a dream and it seemed to strong when I rebuked it.I felt something very strong around me there was no pain or anything like that.But I have told many people there is no power on earth that can get me back in a casino.The hits on my blog continue to grow and I know some satanic cults who I invited to read it may be monitoring this and if thats the
case and if any of you think you can place curses and spells over me all of you will cotinue to fail.Why don't you people face the truth Good will triumph over Evil.I hope all of you continue to place spells and curses over me I will enjoy it more and more when you fail.God made me stronger for a reason Satan cannot make you stronger.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Satan's Own Demons Could Turn Against Him
Before Satan became known as the devil he was God's favorite angel
and his real name is Lucifer.He was
given powers by is former father God.But his own pride caused him to be his own downfall attempting a
rebellion against God in Heaven.The
same thing could easily happen too
Satan in Hell.God gives his angels
in Heaven the power to protect people on earth and most likely Satan can give his own demons in Hell powers to evoke terror and misery to people on earth.The types
of holy and unholy powers can cause
some to rebel and seek to take over
Satan tried it with God and failed.
His own demons may very well try and take over Satan by causing their own rebellion.It's a proven fact through out history how some people betrayed others to seek control and have their own power to
rule.Satan has his own followers but even they can become greedy and want it all.
and his real name is Lucifer.He was
given powers by is former father God.But his own pride caused him to be his own downfall attempting a
rebellion against God in Heaven.The
same thing could easily happen too
Satan in Hell.God gives his angels
in Heaven the power to protect people on earth and most likely Satan can give his own demons in Hell powers to evoke terror and misery to people on earth.The types
of holy and unholy powers can cause
some to rebel and seek to take over
Satan tried it with God and failed.
His own demons may very well try and take over Satan by causing their own rebellion.It's a proven fact through out history how some people betrayed others to seek control and have their own power to
rule.Satan has his own followers but even they can become greedy and want it all.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Happiness Destroyed
How many families were destroyed and broken hearted losing loved ones to satanic cults? So many of them had high hopes for their children of going to college.Some who were good enough to go to college on scholarships who could have had careers walked away and walked straight into satanic cults Only to become dark priests and dark priestesses who worship the devil and hate God.Legally nothing can be done about this choices in life are made by people.Families who become angry and outraged and broken hearted.How could this have happened? The wives plead with their husbands not to take the law into their own hands as an act of revenge or they wind up in prison. If satanic cults want to destroy a familys happiness to join their own satanic family (Then I'm Going To Destroy There Own Satanic Happiness) my way everytime they fail with curses and spells over me I will continue to remind them they have all(FAILED) and the more they fail the more it will eat at them like an acid.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Satan's Grave
When people die they are buried in a cemetary and they are prayed for.But in Satan's case after God will destroy him and there will be no place to rest because he will be gone from hell and any other place he dwells.Satan is more stupid than even he fails to realize.God his former father threw him into hell for 1000 years before he was let loose.If he had any power over Godhe never would have been cast down in the depts of hell.So when his time comes to die he won't have any grave.One of the other reasons I post these things is to prove what a loser he is really is.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Another Curse?
In some of the research I already did on curses some were about dream curses.Last night I woke up in the middle of the night after having a dream about my dog.She was the best dog I ever had Reny was half Collie and half Shepherd she was 14 years
old when she died.Her birthday was September 15th and I thought about her alot these past few days.But in the dream she was a vicious animal and she tried to go for my throat.I told Reny to stop and then I woke up.Now if some of the satanic cults
I emailed and defyed them to put a curse on me (It Didn't Work) Curses and Spells (WILL NOT WORK ON ME) It seems some people just do not get the message here.The more any of you try the more you fail.Do any of you think this has any effect on me? I'm still here promoting Satans
old when she died.Her birthday was September 15th and I thought about her alot these past few days.But in the dream she was a vicious animal and she tried to go for my throat.I told Reny to stop and then I woke up.Now if some of the satanic cults
I emailed and defyed them to put a curse on me (It Didn't Work) Curses and Spells (WILL NOT WORK ON ME) It seems some people just do not get the message here.The more any of you try the more you fail.Do any of you think this has any effect on me? I'm still here promoting Satans
Monday, September 8, 2008
Satan Wont Break My Love For God
Satan hates it when people love God and hate him.Satan is capable of taking advantage of people who are weak and can tempt them with almost anything.He will do everything and anything to pull people away from God.Yesterday I was in a christian
church and the pastor told people that it hurts God deeply when he is ignored and when people turn away from him.When I lived in Las Vegas I ignored God on purpose and said hateful things too him and he forgave me.He performed miracles on me,God became my true father and just as important God became my best friend.I have been sorley tested over the past 9 years and I still love God and Satan can never
have the power to break my love for God.Like in the story of Job the things Satan said to God about him and would he stay loyal if he kept losing and losing.I've lost alot over the past 9 years but I never lost my love for God and Satan failed again.
church and the pastor told people that it hurts God deeply when he is ignored and when people turn away from him.When I lived in Las Vegas I ignored God on purpose and said hateful things too him and he forgave me.He performed miracles on me,God became my true father and just as important God became my best friend.I have been sorley tested over the past 9 years and I still love God and Satan can never
have the power to break my love for God.Like in the story of Job the things Satan said to God about him and would he stay loyal if he kept losing and losing.I've lost alot over the past 9 years but I never lost my love for God and Satan failed again.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
The Curse Started
I was in my living room updating my
blog against Satan and the living room door opened half way by itself as if it were pushed open. There was no wind outside as this
happend my fists went up in the air
Picture this try standing inside a
door way and take both your arms and push as hard as you can for one minute then let go and your arms will raise themselves without
the use of your own will.Thats how I felt when my fists went up in the air,I felt I had no will of my own it was as if a higher power did it for me,a sign to know I'm not alone.As for the door opening even though I didn't see anything it felt like someone was there for a few seconds watching me.If any satanic cults are reading this and you put a curse on me (IT DIDN'T WORK) I'm still here the more you try and evoke fear into me the more you will fail.You can pray to your prince dark of darkness all
you want you will still fail.
blog against Satan and the living room door opened half way by itself as if it were pushed open. There was no wind outside as this
happend my fists went up in the air
Picture this try standing inside a
door way and take both your arms and push as hard as you can for one minute then let go and your arms will raise themselves without
the use of your own will.Thats how I felt when my fists went up in the air,I felt I had no will of my own it was as if a higher power did it for me,a sign to know I'm not alone.As for the door opening even though I didn't see anything it felt like someone was there for a few seconds watching me.If any satanic cults are reading this and you put a curse on me (IT DIDN'T WORK) I'm still here the more you try and evoke fear into me the more you will fail.You can pray to your prince dark of darkness all
you want you will still fail.
More Satanic Cults
I did more research and found alot
more satanic cults by their links
and I sent email invtiations to view this blog.I had over 60 hits in less than a month and it seems to be growing.The more emails I send out to satanic cults about this blog the more will view it from the title alone and when they read about someone promoting their
dark masters death they will know there is someone who's mocking him.
Some of my recent research has been
on satanic cults into blood rituals
if any of you are reading this and
I hope you are I will tell you the same thing I told those all those other (IDIOTS) Spells and curses won't work on me.What are you going to do contact satanic experts
from other countrys? Or are you going to contact women who are love goddesses and can cast love spells over men? I did research on them too and read testmonies from men who claim they fell into a love goddess powers.That won't work on me either for a supreme reason (God's 1st Commandment) Thou Shalt Not Have No Other gods Before Me.There is only one God the one who wrote the ten commandments the one who counts all others are false.Oh I'm sure there are types who tell unholy ones they have broken christians in the past and they walked away from God and served Satan.It doesn't work that way with me they have no powers over me.The more you fail the more Satan will get angry at you for not doing his work if that happens you lose the devils protection and he will have no use of you.Then you wont have any choice but to turn to God and Jesus.God is slow to anger and quick to forgive,Jesus forgave his own crucifers think about what your reading.
more satanic cults by their links
and I sent email invtiations to view this blog.I had over 60 hits in less than a month and it seems to be growing.The more emails I send out to satanic cults about this blog the more will view it from the title alone and when they read about someone promoting their
dark masters death they will know there is someone who's mocking him.
Some of my recent research has been
on satanic cults into blood rituals
if any of you are reading this and
I hope you are I will tell you the same thing I told those all those other (IDIOTS) Spells and curses won't work on me.What are you going to do contact satanic experts
from other countrys? Or are you going to contact women who are love goddesses and can cast love spells over men? I did research on them too and read testmonies from men who claim they fell into a love goddess powers.That won't work on me either for a supreme reason (God's 1st Commandment) Thou Shalt Not Have No Other gods Before Me.There is only one God the one who wrote the ten commandments the one who counts all others are false.Oh I'm sure there are types who tell unholy ones they have broken christians in the past and they walked away from God and served Satan.It doesn't work that way with me they have no powers over me.The more you fail the more Satan will get angry at you for not doing his work if that happens you lose the devils protection and he will have no use of you.Then you wont have any choice but to turn to God and Jesus.God is slow to anger and quick to forgive,Jesus forgave his own crucifers think about what your reading.
Spiritual Insight Over Darkness
I went to a christian church today
and the pastor told everyone God can give spritual insight to people
he chooses.That's true with me I can see things I never saw before
for example God's 2nd Commandment
Thou Shalt Not Make Unto Thee Any
Graven Image,God commanded not to make any likeness of anything for a simple reason God is a Jealous God.I once told a pastor when he debated God's 2nd Commandment.He didn't know what to say when I asked him what parts of the words anything and jealous didn't he understand? Good is more powerful than evil and if anyone chooses to believe that God's more powerful
than Satan they have nothing to fear.
and the pastor told everyone God can give spritual insight to people
he chooses.That's true with me I can see things I never saw before
for example God's 2nd Commandment
Thou Shalt Not Make Unto Thee Any
Graven Image,God commanded not to make any likeness of anything for a simple reason God is a Jealous God.I once told a pastor when he debated God's 2nd Commandment.He didn't know what to say when I asked him what parts of the words anything and jealous didn't he understand? Good is more powerful than evil and if anyone chooses to believe that God's more powerful
than Satan they have nothing to fear.
Holy Over Unholy
Human beings don't have powers of their own yet some church ministers
and pastors have abilitys to help in performing miracles.It's already
been proven but this happens when God and Jesus allow it to happen.It
is done through them by people who
pray for miracles.The unholy part is from Satan who also has powers of his own and through the devil. His own followers have the power to cast spells and curses on those people who are prone to their own fears and when they give into fear they show they fear Satan over God and they collapse.If some people feared God over Satan they would not be afraid of curses or spells by unholy people.Spells and curses won't work on me because I fear God
instead of Satan.
and pastors have abilitys to help in performing miracles.It's already
been proven but this happens when God and Jesus allow it to happen.It
is done through them by people who
pray for miracles.The unholy part is from Satan who also has powers of his own and through the devil. His own followers have the power to cast spells and curses on those people who are prone to their own fears and when they give into fear they show they fear Satan over God and they collapse.If some people feared God over Satan they would not be afraid of curses or spells by unholy people.Spells and curses won't work on me because I fear God
instead of Satan.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Another Of Satan's Failures
God loved his world so much he sent his only son Jesus Christ.God also loves his world in another way even churches never make it public.God protects good people from Satan.If God didn't do this Satan would kill all good people in the world.Satan can't do that,because God won't allow him too and that goes to prove God is more powerful than Satan.
Spirits Of Jesus and Satan
I deleted a blog I posted yesterday because I have decided to turn it into a book.I will be writing two books the first is how gambling ruined my life and I intend to open doors for other people who are as I once was when it came to gambling.I was Addicted and Obsessed when I lived in Vegas I once got 3 hours
sleep in 2 days,gambling fueled my appetite for winning but that ended when God took over.My second book will be out later next year about the post I deleted Daughter Of Hell the spirit of Christ can dwell in who ever Jesus chooses.The spirit of Satan can dwell in weak people who are prone to their own vanitys.Jesus Christ for example is perfect for all he stood for when he was on earth.He represents God his father on everything thats good.Satan can also dwell in those to represent on everything thats evil.The more I thought about it at work today on the daughter from Hell,it wouldn't
surprise me if a woman who is far superior to all other women in all aspects lives in some remote part of Europe and makes dominant women afraid of her.It's known that God's only son is Jesus.Satan was never reputed to have his own son he has people doing his work and feeds their temptations.When I get through with my book alot of people who are prone to temptations by their own vanitys will think twice about good
over evil.When I went to Egypt I knew in my heart God would protect me from any arm,I came back safe and sound and I know in my heart a woman like I described is out in some 3rd world country who feeds on temptations and vanity of weak men.(NOT ME) I would never betray my father for all the money in the world.Only God himself knows how much I love him.
sleep in 2 days,gambling fueled my appetite for winning but that ended when God took over.My second book will be out later next year about the post I deleted Daughter Of Hell the spirit of Christ can dwell in who ever Jesus chooses.The spirit of Satan can dwell in weak people who are prone to their own vanitys.Jesus Christ for example is perfect for all he stood for when he was on earth.He represents God his father on everything thats good.Satan can also dwell in those to represent on everything thats evil.The more I thought about it at work today on the daughter from Hell,it wouldn't
surprise me if a woman who is far superior to all other women in all aspects lives in some remote part of Europe and makes dominant women afraid of her.It's known that God's only son is Jesus.Satan was never reputed to have his own son he has people doing his work and feeds their temptations.When I get through with my book alot of people who are prone to temptations by their own vanitys will think twice about good
over evil.When I went to Egypt I knew in my heart God would protect me from any arm,I came back safe and sound and I know in my heart a woman like I described is out in some 3rd world country who feeds on temptations and vanity of weak men.(NOT ME) I would never betray my father for all the money in the world.Only God himself knows how much I love him.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Satan Will Die By God's Hand
I'm in such a good mood I'm playing
music quite loud.The bible states
shout for joy when praising God.I'm
going to shout for joy when Satan
is (DEAD) and the best part he will
die by the hand of God.
music quite loud.The bible states
shout for joy when praising God.I'm
going to shout for joy when Satan
is (DEAD) and the best part he will
die by the hand of God.
Evil Curses
Several years ago I saw a special on american justice about The Italian Mafia when crime bosses, underbosses,and their top men were all at once place that was suppose to be a secret meeting.Lately I'm starting to think if the satanic cults who I sent out email invitations by my other website with my photo in it all plan on getting together and are planning their own strategy.Think about it some of these people are demented enough to pray to Satan.If anyone
interferes with them they can cast spells and curses over people.The hits on this blog are going up in numbers,I know some of the hits are from satanic cults and if some of them are reading this post.What are you going to do hold a private meeting of your own? Dark priests, dark priestesses,black bibles? and witches,warlocks.Others who are into vampirism,voodoo priests and priestesses too some of you know what I look like.Is some voodoo priest going to make a doll of me and stick pins in it? (Uh Oh) what am I going to do? Are you people going to hold hands around some table with dark experts and place a curse on me? Are you going to combine dark forces saying a dark
prayer? Or are you going further and contact some dark master and some dark mistress in some 3rd world country that specialize in
dark curses? (OH NO) what shall I do? You have no idea how funny I think your stupid curses are.Oh I
want you people to contact dark masters and dark mistresses from third world countrys who are evil and satanic so I can laugh at them too.Next month is Halloween and I have something special for this blog.I'm going to have a special sweatshirt made up in black with bold red letters (SATAN LOST TO GOD) You people don't seem to get the messages that Satan has no power over God and your curses have no power over me.
interferes with them they can cast spells and curses over people.The hits on this blog are going up in numbers,I know some of the hits are from satanic cults and if some of them are reading this post.What are you going to do hold a private meeting of your own? Dark priests, dark priestesses,black bibles? and witches,warlocks.Others who are into vampirism,voodoo priests and priestesses too some of you know what I look like.Is some voodoo priest going to make a doll of me and stick pins in it? (Uh Oh) what am I going to do? Are you people going to hold hands around some table with dark experts and place a curse on me? Are you going to combine dark forces saying a dark
prayer? Or are you going further and contact some dark master and some dark mistress in some 3rd world country that specialize in
dark curses? (OH NO) what shall I do? You have no idea how funny I think your stupid curses are.Oh I
want you people to contact dark masters and dark mistresses from third world countrys who are evil and satanic so I can laugh at them too.Next month is Halloween and I have something special for this blog.I'm going to have a special sweatshirt made up in black with bold red letters (SATAN LOST TO GOD) You people don't seem to get the messages that Satan has no power over God and your curses have no power over me.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
The Subconscious Works Both Ways
September 1st I will be finished on
something satanic cults won't like
and that's what I want.Before I am
done with that I also researched sites that cast dream curses on people.The subconscious is the totality of processes which the indivual is not aware of.I had a dream that I was in a place where
Grizzly Bears were mauling people
everywhere.They stand 10 feet tall
and weigh 1000 lbs.In the dream I
saw a grizzly charging me and just
as it was about to swat me I saw
myself quoting a verse from the bible.The Lord Is My Shield In Whom
I Put My Trust.If by some chance a
cult tried casting a dream curse on
me it looks like it didn't work I'm
still here and if any of them also
have Telepathic Powers that won't
work on me either (DUH)
something satanic cults won't like
and that's what I want.Before I am
done with that I also researched sites that cast dream curses on people.The subconscious is the totality of processes which the indivual is not aware of.I had a dream that I was in a place where
Grizzly Bears were mauling people
everywhere.They stand 10 feet tall
and weigh 1000 lbs.In the dream I
saw a grizzly charging me and just
as it was about to swat me I saw
myself quoting a verse from the bible.The Lord Is My Shield In Whom
I Put My Trust.If by some chance a
cult tried casting a dream curse on
me it looks like it didn't work I'm
still here and if any of them also
have Telepathic Powers that won't
work on me either (DUH)
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Why I Chose To Do The Right Thing
Before I gave my life up to God I could've done alot of things and I didn't.Because of God I'm cured of my former gambling addiction.Some people were not as blessed.Alot of people stole money to gamble to feed their addiction,some people were so badly hooked they even killed themselves.I'm single and I can do what I want I can easily go out and have sexual affairs and I had chance after chance.Even when I lived in Nevada it was there for people going to Whorehouses and I didn't go.I had no one to answer too,I always knew God was watching me and I chose to obey God's 7th Commandment,some people I know who aren't religious all said the same thing don't be stupid.Go out and get laid like other guys I'm not like them and I don't want to be. Sooner or later guys like that wind up being HIV Positive and they wonder how could this have happened? Now who's the stupid one? (DUH) if they paid attention to Gods 7th Commandment instead of having a string of affairs they wouldn't be infected.I didn't want to wind up like some people.I also learned to fear God but just as important he became the father I wanted all my life.If some people who are bent on adulterys and obsessed with money by gambling with money that isn't even theirs they sink so deep and there is no help.They call upon Satan to help them and he cannot help them.God will not allow Satan to help them and their fate is in God's hands. Some people just don't get the message God has the final say not Satan.
I Was Warned By Christians
Some of my friends are very devoued
christians but they warned me not to come out with something on the
internet promoting Satan's Death.He
can also see everything on earth he
will become furious at me I said to them.Go tell that to the familys
who lost their loved ones to these
satanic cults whose lives have been
corrupted and destroyed.I can't stop them but I can do my best to help keep weakminded people away from them.Three years ago a woman who claimed to be a WITCH told me she was going to cast a spell over me and break my will.It looks like she failed I am still here doing God's work.
christians but they warned me not to come out with something on the
internet promoting Satan's Death.He
can also see everything on earth he
will become furious at me I said to them.Go tell that to the familys
who lost their loved ones to these
satanic cults whose lives have been
corrupted and destroyed.I can't stop them but I can do my best to help keep weakminded people away from them.Three years ago a woman who claimed to be a WITCH told me she was going to cast a spell over me and break my will.It looks like she failed I am still here doing God's work.
Friday, August 22, 2008
I'm Not Afraid Of Evil Anymore
In 09/05 I came back from Egypt it
was my first attempt to climb to the top of Mount Sinai.I failed my
legs gave out at 1500 feet at most
and to the top is almost 7500 feet.
When I got back home I was weaker
than I ever was in my whole life.I
felt like a broken man failing to make it to the top of the mountain.
When I walked back in my apartment
I checked my messages on my cell phone and there were two messages inviting me back into gambling tournaments.This was a brand new cell number I found it bizzare that the very casino where it all ended for me invited me back.I had to decide then if I would go back into gambling and walk away from God for failing.As weak as I was I thought don't give up (Fight Back) I'm going back to Mount Sinai and before I went back I had a dream that I went back in a casino there was money everywhere and everyone was winning.Casino hosts were all smiling at me and they greeted me with open arms.More than before I had to fight temptation,gambling had almost destroyed me.In 04/06 I went back to the holy mountain and it took me 3 hours to make it to the top I felt happy and strong again.Three months later in 07/06 on the aniversary of first going to Las Vegas,I was on the internet praising God and lightning struck and ruined my internet.That was the 2nd time in two years I felt the 1st time was a coincidence but not the 2nd time.I didn't let this stop me I still did God's work and kept going to churches.
was my first attempt to climb to the top of Mount Sinai.I failed my
legs gave out at 1500 feet at most
and to the top is almost 7500 feet.
When I got back home I was weaker
than I ever was in my whole life.I
felt like a broken man failing to make it to the top of the mountain.
When I walked back in my apartment
I checked my messages on my cell phone and there were two messages inviting me back into gambling tournaments.This was a brand new cell number I found it bizzare that the very casino where it all ended for me invited me back.I had to decide then if I would go back into gambling and walk away from God for failing.As weak as I was I thought don't give up (Fight Back) I'm going back to Mount Sinai and before I went back I had a dream that I went back in a casino there was money everywhere and everyone was winning.Casino hosts were all smiling at me and they greeted me with open arms.More than before I had to fight temptation,gambling had almost destroyed me.In 04/06 I went back to the holy mountain and it took me 3 hours to make it to the top I felt happy and strong again.Three months later in 07/06 on the aniversary of first going to Las Vegas,I was on the internet praising God and lightning struck and ruined my internet.That was the 2nd time in two years I felt the 1st time was a coincidence but not the 2nd time.I didn't let this stop me I still did God's work and kept going to churches.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Open Message To Unholy Churches
How many families were heartbroken
losing their loved ones to demonic
cults? How many lives were ruined
by people who were weakminded and
vulnerable? I am going to prove once and for all that God is more powerful than Satan.Try casting a spells,dark curses,and even death curses on me.Some of you people already know what I look like from my other website the one I sent invitations to view it.The unholy hour is 3 a.m.too mock the holy hour of 3 P.M.when Jesus Christ was
crucified.Now you people can hold a
dark ceremonie holding hands around
fire with my picture in a circle of fire.If you all want to contact dark priests,dark priestesses,who
are in vampirism churches,voodooism
churches,witches,warlocks,demonic cults,blood cults,satanic figures that hate God and love Satan.You can all dress in black and pray to dark forces in the black of the night surrounded by fire and pray to Satan himself and in the end everyone of you will lose.Spells and dark curses won't work on me.I
have over 100 hits on this blog and
even though nobody leaves comments I know some satanic cults are reading it.So if any of you want put curses or spells over me go on and try it. (TAKE YOUR BEST SHOT) You people had your way long enough and just like I put in my
website on God's Ten Commandments
losing their loved ones to demonic
cults? How many lives were ruined
by people who were weakminded and
vulnerable? I am going to prove once and for all that God is more powerful than Satan.Try casting a spells,dark curses,and even death curses on me.Some of you people already know what I look like from my other website the one I sent invitations to view it.The unholy hour is 3 a.m.too mock the holy hour of 3 P.M.when Jesus Christ was
crucified.Now you people can hold a
dark ceremonie holding hands around
fire with my picture in a circle of fire.If you all want to contact dark priests,dark priestesses,who
are in vampirism churches,voodooism
churches,witches,warlocks,demonic cults,blood cults,satanic figures that hate God and love Satan.You can all dress in black and pray to dark forces in the black of the night surrounded by fire and pray to Satan himself and in the end everyone of you will lose.Spells and dark curses won't work on me.I
have over 100 hits on this blog and
even though nobody leaves comments I know some satanic cults are reading it.So if any of you want put curses or spells over me go on and try it. (TAKE YOUR BEST SHOT) You people had your way long enough and just like I put in my
website on God's Ten Commandments
Sunday, August 3, 2008
God's Shield Around Me
Psalms:5 Verse:12
For thou Lord,wilt bless the righteous with favour wilt thou compass him as with a shield.
There's a shield around me I can't
see it and I can't feel it but it's
there.Samson lost his shield of God's protection after he turned away from God.I do NOT intend to make the same mistake Samson made by turning away from God.As long as
I stay faithful to my father there is no unholy power that can break
God's shield around me.
For thou Lord,wilt bless the righteous with favour wilt thou compass him as with a shield.
There's a shield around me I can't
see it and I can't feel it but it's
there.Samson lost his shield of God's protection after he turned away from God.I do NOT intend to make the same mistake Samson made by turning away from God.As long as
I stay faithful to my father there is no unholy power that can break
God's shield around me.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
God And Satan
In the past two years I contacted
pastors,ministers,and a christian
counselor and I asked them why did
God perform miracles on me and why has there been so much horror and
bad things in my life? Some said God is preparing me for something
some said God has a purpose for me
and when the time is right I will know it.Since all the good and bad
started in 1999 the christian counselor told me I'm in a spirtual
war between God and Satan and they both want me.I told him he must be
mistaken he asked me if I could explain why God performed miracles on me and why there has been so much bad in 9 years? I contacted another man who is a therapist by
profession and he's also a devoued
christian.I told him of a nightmare
I had last month.I dreamed that I died and there were no mourners.I saw myself in a coffin and there were only (Black Walls) around me.
Everyone has nightmares but that was dark and morbid.I wrote a post
about the subconscious and I asked
several religious experts why did this happen? One woman who works on my day job is very devoued and she also teaches Sunday school she told me don't give up even though
God is testing me he won't leave me
and he won't put more on me than I can endure.It took a long time but
I finally accepted there's a reason
for all this.
pastors,ministers,and a christian
counselor and I asked them why did
God perform miracles on me and why has there been so much horror and
bad things in my life? Some said God is preparing me for something
some said God has a purpose for me
and when the time is right I will know it.Since all the good and bad
started in 1999 the christian counselor told me I'm in a spirtual
war between God and Satan and they both want me.I told him he must be
mistaken he asked me if I could explain why God performed miracles on me and why there has been so much bad in 9 years? I contacted another man who is a therapist by
profession and he's also a devoued
christian.I told him of a nightmare
I had last month.I dreamed that I died and there were no mourners.I saw myself in a coffin and there were only (Black Walls) around me.
Everyone has nightmares but that was dark and morbid.I wrote a post
about the subconscious and I asked
several religious experts why did this happen? One woman who works on my day job is very devoued and she also teaches Sunday school she told me don't give up even though
God is testing me he won't leave me
and he won't put more on me than I can endure.It took a long time but
I finally accepted there's a reason
for all this.
Friday, July 25, 2008
God Is More Powerful Than Satan
Six years ago I tore the tendons in my shoulder and The MRI results
were a Complete full thickness tear
2.5 ct.I was in pain for 5 months and it got so bad one night like so many people I said God please help me and something from above touched my shoulder.It was very powerful and yet very gentle before
this happened I was warned by an
Orthapedic Dr.not to go back into a
weightlifting gym for the impacts
would cause me to lose permanent use of my arm.I went back and did things I haven't done in years and this week I bench pressed 250 lbs.
When I went to Egypt to climb Mount Sinai there were tragedys out there and everyone was afraid for my safety,I told everyone I had faith that God would protect me from all harm and he did.My former doctor said I should've had lung cancer and I didn't.I could've
been killed in 3 near car accidents
and at the time I felt like there was someone was sitting next too me
as to say don't be afraid,God can remove any fears people have.When
people have fear they sometimes lose their faith in God.
were a Complete full thickness tear
2.5 ct.I was in pain for 5 months and it got so bad one night like so many people I said God please help me and something from above touched my shoulder.It was very powerful and yet very gentle before
this happened I was warned by an
Orthapedic Dr.not to go back into a
weightlifting gym for the impacts
would cause me to lose permanent use of my arm.I went back and did things I haven't done in years and this week I bench pressed 250 lbs.
When I went to Egypt to climb Mount Sinai there were tragedys out there and everyone was afraid for my safety,I told everyone I had faith that God would protect me from all harm and he did.My former doctor said I should've had lung cancer and I didn't.I could've
been killed in 3 near car accidents
and at the time I felt like there was someone was sitting next too me
as to say don't be afraid,God can remove any fears people have.When
people have fear they sometimes lose their faith in God.
God Made Me Stronger
Over the past 4 years some people
challenged my testimonies about the miracles God performed on me.I
told them if they thought I was making this up I would freely take
Sodium Pentathol and that is more
effective than any polygraph test
they didn't challenge me after I said that.There were times over the past 9 years were becoming so hard on me,there were times I felt so sick inside I felt like I was going to vomit and couldn't.There were other times I was walking I felt like someone was next too me.I
can quote Footprints in the sand or
The holy spirit,or that I saw a White Light twice and that I felt God's hand on my chest at my near
breaking point in my prayers.One minister told me to focus on Jesus Christ and what he went through.I told her Jesus is The Son Of God he is Holy I'm a human being and I don't have that kind of strength.I got stronger because God made me stronger.
challenged my testimonies about the miracles God performed on me.I
told them if they thought I was making this up I would freely take
Sodium Pentathol and that is more
effective than any polygraph test
they didn't challenge me after I said that.There were times over the past 9 years were becoming so hard on me,there were times I felt so sick inside I felt like I was going to vomit and couldn't.There were other times I was walking I felt like someone was next too me.I
can quote Footprints in the sand or
The holy spirit,or that I saw a White Light twice and that I felt God's hand on my chest at my near
breaking point in my prayers.One minister told me to focus on Jesus Christ and what he went through.I told her Jesus is The Son Of God he is Holy I'm a human being and I don't have that kind of strength.I got stronger because God made me stronger.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
I'm On My Own
Last year I went to a presbyterian
church to give them a gift.I left
before services began I almost got into an arguement with the pastor.
He told me if I wanted to come in his church I had to go by their
teachings and I was not to preach about God's Ten Commandments for what they actually stand for.He also said not too speak out against Satan and I would be restricted to their teachings.He didn't like it when I told him churches are told what to say and what not to say when it comes to God.He also told me if I continue to do what I'm doing not to expect any support from his church or any other churches.I'm not with any set church or congregation and I don't want to be I'm 100% Solo and I prefer it that way,I promote parades for God they don't.I also
glorify God as The King Of His Universe they don't.
church to give them a gift.I left
before services began I almost got into an arguement with the pastor.
He told me if I wanted to come in his church I had to go by their
teachings and I was not to preach about God's Ten Commandments for what they actually stand for.He also said not too speak out against Satan and I would be restricted to their teachings.He didn't like it when I told him churches are told what to say and what not to say when it comes to God.He also told me if I continue to do what I'm doing not to expect any support from his church or any other churches.I'm not with any set church or congregation and I don't want to be I'm 100% Solo and I prefer it that way,I promote parades for God they don't.I also
glorify God as The King Of His Universe they don't.
Satan Almost Broke Me
Everytime I thought I had peace something always seemed to happen I thought everything was over but it started again in October of 2007.I was having money problems my credit card bills were choking me to no end.I kept looking for a part time job at night and I couldn't find anything.I spent too much on car repairs and at one point my car caught on fire in my mechanics garage.He put it out in time but I had to get rid of it.I had no car there was no money for
Christmas presents,it was getting
so bad I couldn't even afford to turn the heat on in my apartment.I
had to sleep with 5 blankets and a heating pad on my pillow.That's when I prayed to God for help and sure enough my father came through
for me.The day after Christmas I got a part time job nights serving coffee.My meals are free the extra money came in handy,I got another car.No more freezing at night no more taking buses to work,no more
walking home after midnight.Satan almost broke me to the point of me
quitting and going back to my life
what ever I can't handle God is there for me and the old saying came true almost doesn't count.
Christmas presents,it was getting
so bad I couldn't even afford to turn the heat on in my apartment.I
had to sleep with 5 blankets and a heating pad on my pillow.That's when I prayed to God for help and sure enough my father came through
for me.The day after Christmas I got a part time job nights serving coffee.My meals are free the extra money came in handy,I got another car.No more freezing at night no more taking buses to work,no more
walking home after midnight.Satan almost broke me to the point of me
quitting and going back to my life
what ever I can't handle God is there for me and the old saying came true almost doesn't count.
Satan's Failed
Satan's greatest trick was convincing people he never existed
if that were true and it's not.Why
are there so many films about him?
Films about The Antichrist,End Of
Days,The Devil's Advocate,The Ninth
Gate,The Exorcism Of Emily Rose,and
there have been so many others.In
1666 a man named Aristide Torchia
attempted to raise the devil on a
book supposedly written by Lucifer
himself.This man was burned at the
stake in 1667 with all his works.
Las Vegas is sometimes called Satan's playground.For someone who never existed the devils greatest
trick backfired.
if that were true and it's not.Why
are there so many films about him?
Films about The Antichrist,End Of
Days,The Devil's Advocate,The Ninth
Gate,The Exorcism Of Emily Rose,and
there have been so many others.In
1666 a man named Aristide Torchia
attempted to raise the devil on a
book supposedly written by Lucifer
himself.This man was burned at the
stake in 1667 with all his works.
Las Vegas is sometimes called Satan's playground.For someone who never existed the devils greatest
trick backfired.
Satan's Return 666
Revelation:20 Verse:7 and after 1000 years have expired;Satan shall
be let loosed from his prison.Two years ago on 06/06/06 there were
some people who hosted celebrations
on that date.It's more likely Satan
was let loosed 6-6th of year 6 not
2000 years later.Look at all the evil that transpired over the past
2000 years on earth.The bible made
it clear enough that once he was let loosed Satan would deceive the
nations.In April of 2005 I lost
someone very close too me of cancer
and before she died she told me all
bad things come from the devil.Her
own father wanted to be a preacher
he knew the entire bible.He was a
very brilliant man but he stopped and he began drinking heavily and he abused her and her mother.She told me he used to be a loving husband and father and when he drank he became another person and ruined his life.
be let loosed from his prison.Two years ago on 06/06/06 there were
some people who hosted celebrations
on that date.It's more likely Satan
was let loosed 6-6th of year 6 not
2000 years later.Look at all the evil that transpired over the past
2000 years on earth.The bible made
it clear enough that once he was let loosed Satan would deceive the
nations.In April of 2005 I lost
someone very close too me of cancer
and before she died she told me all
bad things come from the devil.Her
own father wanted to be a preacher
he knew the entire bible.He was a
very brilliant man but he stopped and he began drinking heavily and he abused her and her mother.She told me he used to be a loving husband and father and when he drank he became another person and ruined his life.
God's Ten Commandments Over Satan's Ten Commandments
I think it's very sad that God's Ten Commandments are often barred in the land which God actually owns
they are often treated as debates
and even churches rarely speak of
them.But there is still a victory
for God's Ten Commandments they can be displayed in certain public
buildings.Satan's Ten Commandments
can never be displayed in public
buildings.Although the bible ever
made it clear about Satan's Ten
Commandments there are some of his
followers who promote them.God's Ten Commandments were written by God on Mount Sinai for Moses to bring down to free the hebrews from slavery,God will always be over Satan.
they are often treated as debates
and even churches rarely speak of
them.But there is still a victory
for God's Ten Commandments they can be displayed in certain public
buildings.Satan's Ten Commandments
can never be displayed in public
buildings.Although the bible ever
made it clear about Satan's Ten
Commandments there are some of his
followers who promote them.God's Ten Commandments were written by God on Mount Sinai for Moses to bring down to free the hebrews from slavery,God will always be over Satan.
Satan Keeps Losing To Jesus
What Satan can never have are the
glorys that Jesus Christ has.Nobody
knows when Lucifer was created by
God,nobody knows when he was cast down into Hell By God and nobody
knows when he was let loosed from his own prison.All over the world Christmas is known as the birth of Jesus Christ and is celebrated.His
own death is Good Friday and too many people around the world it is a day of mourning for Jesus Christ.
Easter Sunday is celebrated as The
Messiah risen from the dead and is
known everywhere.Every Sunday Jesus
is glorified in holy churches and
all over the world.His own birth is
celebrated,his own death is mourned
his return to the earth has been celebrated over 2000 years.Satan's
own birth is not a world wide day
of recognition as it is for Jesus.
His own death is not a world wide
mourning as it is for Jesus.His own
return to the earth is not known as
a celebration as it is for Jesus.He
keeps losing to Jesus and he will never be superior too him.
glorys that Jesus Christ has.Nobody
knows when Lucifer was created by
God,nobody knows when he was cast down into Hell By God and nobody
knows when he was let loosed from his own prison.All over the world Christmas is known as the birth of Jesus Christ and is celebrated.His
own death is Good Friday and too many people around the world it is a day of mourning for Jesus Christ.
Easter Sunday is celebrated as The
Messiah risen from the dead and is
known everywhere.Every Sunday Jesus
is glorified in holy churches and
all over the world.His own birth is
celebrated,his own death is mourned
his return to the earth has been celebrated over 2000 years.Satan's
own birth is not a world wide day
of recognition as it is for Jesus.
His own death is not a world wide
mourning as it is for Jesus.His own
return to the earth is not known as
a celebration as it is for Jesus.He
keeps losing to Jesus and he will never be superior too him.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Satan Lost To Jesus
Satan tried to tempt Jesus in the desert and he failed.He had no power over him in the desert and he has no power over him now.Jesus
Christ is the only one who sits next to God in Heaven.Before he was
The Devil he was called Lucifer and he was the highest angel in Heaven as well as God's favorite angel until he was cast down into Hell and fell into disgrace by trying to overthrow his former father.Satan can never have the glorys that Jesus has and he never will.Satan lost to Jesus in more ways than one.
Christ is the only one who sits next to God in Heaven.Before he was
The Devil he was called Lucifer and he was the highest angel in Heaven as well as God's favorite angel until he was cast down into Hell and fell into disgrace by trying to overthrow his former father.Satan can never have the glorys that Jesus has and he never will.Satan lost to Jesus in more ways than one.
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