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Friday, December 21, 2012
Commandments Over Cults
I know my blogs are being viewed by vampire cults and zombie cults but I don't think any of you seem to realize something here.God is more powerful than Satan and no matter what kind of spells and curses you may be capable of will not have any effect on me.Ever since I came back from Mount Sinai in Egypt in 2006 all fears of evil are gone and no spell or curse can touch me so there for all of you people lost.Commandments will always be more powerful than Cults and as far as Satan he can't defeat God his former father.He loses out to God and cults lose out too me.
Monday, December 10, 2012
More Losses For Satan
It seems that world leaders often say that they attend church services on Sunday in honor of God in holy churches.Yet no world leaders tell the public that they go to unholy churches that worship Satan and it makes it more clear that Satan loses out to God his former father and will continue to lose because he cannot defeat God ever.
Monday, December 3, 2012
Families Of Darkness
I am just curious on how many families of darkness have been reading my blog against Satan? How many of them are into the dark arts? How many can place spells and curses on people? Well all of them combined are welcome to try on me but it won't help any of you for a simple reason.Spells and Curses won't work on me since I came back from Mount Sinai and face it God is more powerful than Satan and no matter what Satanic cults think Satan cannot defeat God his former father not ever.
Friday, November 23, 2012
Satan's Loss To Jesus
From the beginning he was called Lucifer and he used to be God's favorite angel and the highest angel in Heaven.But he later fell into disgrace and was sent to Hell and over 2000 years God's only son Jesus Christ walked the earth and not only resisted Satan's temptations in the desert he also gained glory all over the world and while Satan turned out to be the evil one who lost to Jesus Christ and also lost to God his former father.The one who created him from the beginning and holds supreme control over his former favorite angel from the time he gave Lucifer powers to the time he was powerless in Hell for 1000 years and the present time and all time.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Here's Another Loss For Satan
I had considered becoming a minister and it is easy enough to apply for a license in any state and this is what I find very funny.That there are no state license to apply for in the name of Satan for people to go publicly and perform weddings and funerals.Before people die in hospitals they have holy people come in and give them last rights permitted by hospitals and families.I keep trying to get my message across to satanic cults that Satan cannot defeat God his former father and he always loses.
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Another Loss For Satan
With all the damage from Hurricane Sandy in parts of America it brought people together to help each other but some credit goes to The Red Cross and Holy Churches all who represent God and Jesus and goodness.Not Satan or his unholy churches and good will always come out ahead of evil and everything Satan reperesents he will continue to lose to God his former father and the angels and saints in heaven.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
God Defeats Satan Again
One day satanic cults will come to realize that God is more powerful than Satan and here is another example.The holy bible states Lead us not into temptation and deliver us from evil.If God did not lead us into temptation then everyone on earth would stay away from holy churches they would not read the holy bible.Nor would they celebrated Easter and Christmas and glorify Jesus Christ alot of these people would not regard Gods Ten Commandments they would all do the opposite and they would give glory to Satan instead of God and Jesus.As far as Satan I can say this over and over Satan cannot defeat God his former father The Surpeme King Of His Universe.
Monday, October 22, 2012
God Is Alpha and Omega
God was here first and in addition to being King Of His Universe and writing the most powerful laws ever written in the history of the world Gods Ten Commandments.As well as rising Jesus Christ from the dead God also created Lucifer his former favorite angel who fell into disgrace after he attempted to over throw his former father.Satan never did and never will be able to defeat God.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
God Is Supreme Over Satan
An asteroid is coming to the earth in 2012 and it is 1,650 feet and something like that is something that only God The King Of His Universe can create.Lucifer on the hand was called bright light from the universe but he was created by his former father.Lucifer the former bright light fell into darkness by God his former father and he never had and never will be able to defeat his former father The Supreme King.
Monday, October 8, 2012
Here Is Another Satan Loss
In America there are many places that have writing God Bless America and this is like this all over the world where it's written God Bless.This is where Satan loses again there are no public postings that have Satan's name that he shows favor over countries that belongs to the heavenly father and Satan cannot have his name for people too see publicly.This only proves that Satan cannot defeat God his former father and he is no match for The King Of His Universe because he is God.
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Satan Losses Continue
I have alot of international readers mostly from Russia-Germany-United Kingdom are the most of different countries who read this blog.In America every October 31st is Halloween and alot of it is based on people dressing up as vampires-werewolves-creatures of the night and things that all are to be thought of unholy to certain christians but this is where Satan loses again this is only done once a year while every year there is holy week and movies on tv such as The Ten Commandments King Of Kings Samson and Delilah and films about God's servants in history.While Halloween seems to be only fun it still has merit in certain dark circles on all hallows eve.Whether it is fun or not Satan will still lose out to God and he will never have unholy week to honor his own demons.No matter how I write on this blog Satan cannot dfeat God his former father whether it is fiction or non fiction.
Friday, October 5, 2012
More Losses For Satan
When it comes to the holy and unholy Satan loses to God and here is how: All over the world there are ministers,deacons,pastors,priests,bishops,and so many combined with holy churches that are the holy workers of God.How many dark priests and dark priestesses are there in the world? Are there as many as holy workers than unholy workers? No because Satan is outnumbered whether it's angels and demons heaven and hell Satan never did and he never will defeat his former father.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Satan Continues To Lose
God's 2nd Commandment Thou Shalt Not Make Unto Thee Any Graven Image.I do not approve of any graven image because God commanded not to make any.This is where Satan continues to lose again there are holy images in public places all over the world and they are holy and in citys for many too admire them.Satan has no likeness of himself as in Brazil or Italy or other countries for people to admire him and further more no city official will ever take down holy statues and replace them with Satan or his demons so again Satan and his demons lose out to the higher powers in heaven over hell and he will never be able to defeat God his former father.
Monday, October 1, 2012
Satan's Sin Backfired
The bible states Lead Us Not Into Temptation and temptation comes from weakness or in another way to describe it as Vanity and that is Satan's favorite sin.Now if vanity is Satan's favroite sin then he must surely hate my vanity and that is God My Heavenly Father and He alone stands to reason for many things God Is King Of His Universe he wrote His Ten Commandments from His Kingdom and if people read that the planet Mars is 352 million miles above the earth and that Heaven is above the planet Mars and He sent down his writing on Mount Sinai making His Ten Commandments.Are there any satanic cults willing to admit that God is more powerful than Satan? He is no matter what any of them think Satan cannot defeat his former father because God is the only one who controls Satan.
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Satan Loses Again
Everyone knows the story of Samson that he was the strongest man in the world and that he killed a lion with his bare hands.Samson also killed 1000 men with the jaw bone of an ass and he remained the strongest man in the world until Delilah tricked him and he lost his strength only to get it back at the end of his life when he tore down the pillars and destroyed his enemies.The point of this post is this God made Samson the strongest man in the world and Satan did not have this claim.Satan will give powers to those who perform darkness and abominations towards God but even that being said he still did not have a lawgiver as God did and a servant who was the strongest man in the world.No matter how much satanic cults praise Satan sooner or later they will finally realize that Satan cannot defeat God his former father for a simple reason God has full control over Satan's powers as well as him permanently.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
God Speed
I recently read that the planet Mars is 352 million miles above the earth and God's Kingdom is above there just think of all the millions of miles when God wrote His Ten Commandments all the way to the rock on Mount Sinai.Now if God can not only do that as well as send Satan down to the dark hell just what do people think on what God can really do to Satan? The prince of darkness never had any powers over God in heaven and he certainly doesn't have any now.The most important thing of all is that Satan cannot dfeat God his former father and in time he will die by God.
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Family Of Darkness
I have done a great deal of research on Satan and satanic cults and they both seem to be more focused on their prince of darkness instead of the light of the world Jesus Christ.It was God who had first sent his former favorite angel into the darkness before he decided to let him loose after 1000 years.In all that time and all the damage Satan has done he still cannot defeat God his former father from the time he was created to the present time.The time will come when satanic cults will finally realize they should be fearful of God it makes perfect sense since God controls Satan.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Satan Loses Again To God
When some people are sick in the hospital and doctors did all they could do some people will say it is now in God's hands.This is where Satan loses again,people will not tell doctors that it is in Satan's hands and he will heal sick people.It is often said only God can help these sick people because God can do anything and gets the glory for it not Satan.I have been promoting his death for over 4 years now and somewhere down the line satanic cults must be wondering that Satan cannot defeat God his former father and that God is more powerful than Satan.
Monday, September 17, 2012
Satan Keeps Losing
It seems more and more alot of people quote God's name publicly as in Oh my God or God help us or God bless us or only God knows.Do satanic cults ever wonder why so many people often quote God's name publicly? Because God is more powerful than Satan and no matter what satanic cults think they cannot refuse the truth.Satan cannot defeat God his former father the one who created him from the very beginning as Lucifer the perfect angel to the present time.God has full control over his former favorite angel and one day cults will realize this and Satan loses.
Monday, September 10, 2012
Another Loss For Satan
Many times there have been images of The Virgin Mary in public places for many people too see and to have news casters present to report this.This is how Satan loses again although there have been evil sightings they are never publicly gorified for people too see and to be told on national news.Satan will always lose out to Heaven and all the glorys of it but most important Satan loses too God his former father.
Friday, September 7, 2012
Satan Loses Again
With all the public recognition about saints and angels in heaven Satan's own demons never have that kind of public recognition and he never will.Good triumps over evil as God triumps over Satan from the very beginning to now and no matter how hard Satan tries him and his demons cannot have the kind of glory God and his servants in heaven have.God is too powerful and Satan cannot defeat God ever.
Monday, September 3, 2012
Another Loss For Satan
There are so many films about people from the bible and there are never any demons glorified as the holy ones are.Whether there are holy and unholy bibles Satan loses.Whether there are parades for saints and public glory for holy workers there are none for demons.Satan will continue to lose to God his former father for a simple reason:Satan cannot defeat his former father and one day satanic cults will come to realize that Satan lost too God from the beginning in heaven to the present time.
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Satan Keeps Losing
Despite all the tragedys around the world and people ask for help many of them ask God for help.It is so common that many people say God help us or we can only hope God helps us.They never go on the air and publicly ask Satan for help instead of God.I have said it many times before and I will still say it many times now-Satan cannot defeat God his former father no matter what other people think.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
God Over Satan
Despite how God's own Ten Commandments are often barred in the land that God actually created and owns they are still displayed in many public buildings.These were even debated in The Supreme Court in America.Satan's own Ten Commandments cannot replace his former fathers and they will never be displayed in public buildings.This is only another example of how Satan loses too God and he will never be able to defeat God his former father.
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
God's More Powerful Than Satan
If God didn't protect God loving people Satan would kill us all but he cannot do this because God will not allow him to do it.I said this many times Satan cannot defeat God his former father he can try but will always fail he has no power over God.
Saturday, July 21, 2012
God Looks Down On Satan
God has been looking down on Satan since her sent him to hell after Lucifer turned on his father.From then to the present time God will always look down on Satan and will always control him.I try and make this blog very clear that Satan cannot defeat his former father and that God will always control Satan and the more hits I have on this blog the more people will know that God is more powerful than Satan and one day they will walk away from him and go back to the heavenly father.
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Satan Loses To Jesus
Both Jesus and Satan are known all over the world but Jesus is the son of God and his name is constantly mentioned even when people become angry they swear his name.Whether in public or private many will use his name but Satan is he praised in movies-tv-public or private like Jesus? No Because there is only one Jesus Christ which means good Satan means bad and he didn't have power over Jesus in the desert when he tried to tempt him and he continues to be powerless against him.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Satan's World Wide Disgrace Expanded
What I like about Google blogs is they have a world wide audience and 70 different countries have read this blog.I have been doing this 4 years now and have proved the things Satan failed against his former father in heaven it proves he can't defeat God.
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Satan's Loss
Las Vegas Nevada is often called the devils playground and sin city and if that is so then why is it that all the casino/ hotels have holy bibles in the rooms? Why is that Jesus Christ is praised even in Las Vegas? Satan does not have any of this public glory even in Vegas itself.Satan will never get the better of God and he will never be able to defeat his former father and satanic cults will realize this sooner or later.
Monday, July 16, 2012
Satan Continues To Lose
Sometimes in parades or sports events certain people will sing a song When the saints go marching in and the saints represent God in Heaven.This has been happening publicly for years and years now Satan who has his own demons who represent him cannot have this public glory.No sporting event or parade would ever sing a song when the demons go marching in.For two simple reasons God will not allow Satan to have that for him and his demons and Satan cannot defeat God.
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Satan Loses Again
Every April in America they have holy week on television with films about Jesus Christ-other holy figures and my favorite The Ten Commandments and these films are to honor God and Jesus and are broad casted for millions of homes to see.Now if the so called prince of darkness is so powerful then why is it they never put unholy week on tv in place of God and Jesus? Because God will not allow Satan to have glory over him and it is also written in the holy bible under Exodus:20 that God is a jealous God in case any satanic cults are having any second thoughts of still serving Satan.They should know by now that Satan cannot defeat his former father.
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Satan Fails Again
Before God wrote His Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai he chose Moses to be his lawgiver and free his people from slavery.Not only was Satan powerless to prevent God from writing His Ten Commandments as well as Moses becoming God's Lawgiver he also failed to God when his own ten commandments came to be evil as they are.Satan did not have his own lawgiver nor did he have his own mountain for something as supreme as God has.Satan failed again because he never had the power to defeat God his former father and he never will be able to defeat the one who controls him from when he was first created as Lucifer to now called Satan.
Thursday, July 12, 2012
More Failures For Satan
When people go to court they have to swear to tell the truth and often say So help me God with their hand on a holy bible.This is where Satan fails again his name cannot be used in court when people swear and there are no satanic bibles allowed in court to swear on.Satan will always lose to God and he will never defeat his former father.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Another Failure For Satan
In The United States there are so many things in public that say God Bless America and yet there never has or there never will be using Satan's name.The more posts I write against Satan the more I hope satanic cults will come to know that Satan loses to God and he will continue to lose and he will never defeat his former father.
Sunday, July 8, 2012
More Satan Failures
Whenever there are tragedy's that constitute hurricanes-earthquakes-tornadoes-fires and there is so much damage the public news is often quoted God help us.The news will never quote Satan help us for a very simple reason God will not allow Satan to have public glory on news networks over him.The more I check my stats on this blog the more readers I have on this than all my other blogs and the message for satanic cults is that one day Satan's loyal followers will come to realize that Satan cannot defeat God his former father and they will choose the winning side.
Saturday, July 7, 2012
Another Loss For Satan
Ever see these religious commercials that sell medals of saints? Or Evangelists who have their own programs and gain an audience? Can Satan make these claims that his own demons have medals made in their honor? Or have some dark priest or dark priestesses with their own tv shows to have their own audience? No because Satan is considered to bad and evil while God is considered to be good and holy and this is another loss for Satan he cannot defeat God his former father Satan will always lose.
Friday, July 6, 2012
Satan Also See's Everything
After Satan was let loose from his prison after 1000 years he also's see everything on earth to be able to tempt and corrupt people from their own vanity's.Now if Satan can also see everything on earth then he can see this blog I made against him and he must know how much I hate and despise him.But the one thing Satan will never admit to anyone is that he cannot defeat his former father who see's everything and is also watching me write this and other's who read it.Even though Satan can see everything his own powers are controlled by God and he cannot take over the world and defeat God and one day satanic cults will finally realize what a loser Satan is.
Thursday, July 5, 2012
God's Servants Over Satan's Servents
Satan continues to lose to God and here is another reason why: Take all the holy churches in the world for example there are alot more of them world wide than unholy churches.There are more holy leaders than unholy leaders there are holy bibles in many hotels instead of unholy bibles.Satan is out numbered in so many ways and he never could and he never will be able to defeat God his former father.
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Another Loss For Satan
When people get married they are often quoted that God is witness to this ceremony and by the powers vested in me by God I now pronounce you husband and wife. This is so common in churches all over the world and why this is another loss for Satan is simple.His own name cannot be used to marry people as it is for God and that is something Satan has no control over and continues to lose to God his former father.
Monday, July 2, 2012
France and Germany
As I check my stats everyday I noticed alot of readers are from France and Germany and the research I have done on satanic cults many are from France and Germany and if any satanic cults are reading this blog know this and know this well.Satan cannot defeat God his former father he never had the power to do this even when he was God's favorite angel until he was cast down into Hell for 1000 years.I fail to understand why satanic cults follow and worship Satan and so many cults who became dark priests and dark priestesses were corrupted and lured into a dark life too worship someone who is the father of all lies who leaves people when he has no further use of them.He uses people and does not care about them God and Jesus do.
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Satan's Other Loss
I went on to Wikipedia to research saints in Heaven and there are so many of them but their names are on public record.Satan's demons on the other hand are not glorified the way saints are nor are they on the internet for their contributions to Satan like the way saints are glorified for their contributions to the heavenly father.As usual Satan keeps losing too God and one day satanic cults will come to realize that Satan cannot defeat God his former father and he never will.
Monday, June 18, 2012
There is new show on tv 666 Park Ave and it's for people who want anything for a price.That is a show I will protest and promote The Death Of Satan on their website they won't like and neither will Satan the father of all lies who lost to God.
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Satan Keeps Losing
My problems began in 1999 take those numbers and turn them upside down and you get 666 and in all that time everything I worked for was all gone except my faith in God.I know I am being tested and Satan wants me to pray too him and I won't and despite all I lost my love for God will never die his love is too strong.
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
The Czech Republic
I saw on my stats today that The Czech Republic viewed my blog and if it is who I think it might be I am more suprised that this blog was clicked on instead of God's Ten Commandments.I can put your own website on mine but I am not about to give you people the satisfaction of increasing your own stats and I also know that some of you are in devil worship.I have promoted God's Ten Commandments to you people hoping you would repent and seek God's forgiveness but instead you people continue to be on the dark path of life.Know this and know this well if you people continue to mock God one day you will feel His wrath and when He decides when the after life comes see how he won't allow any of you in His Kingdom.As I wrote earlier if this is who I think it is I will not give out your website on mine.
Monday, June 4, 2012
Satan's Sin
Satan's favorite sin of people is vanity meaning weakness and how he thrives on that and how so many people give into temptation.I have seen many beautiful women some in person others on tv or on the news.There are so many from Europe-South America-The Middle East and the ones I saw are pure beautiful.If I were given a choice to have any beautiful woman of my choosing or going back to Mount Sinai) I would pick my fathers holy mountain and once again Satan loses to God.
Friday, June 1, 2012
Satan Lost To God
In the holy bible it is clear enough that God created everything and this is also recognized in the world that is not mentioned in the bible.It seems that Satan cannot get the better of his former father from the beginning of time to the present day.He can try all he wants but he cannot defeat his father in anyway what so ever.
Monday, May 28, 2012
Another Loss For Satan
The Anti-christ vs The Real Christ: Over the centurys there have been certain men who have been called the anti-christ for all the death and destruction they have caused but in the end their all dead.The real Christ was crucified and risen 3 days by God his father and now sits next too him in Heaven and the point being Christ did die on the cross and after he was risen now walks the 4 corners of the earth while the anti-christ is coming but he will not last.He will be the cause of his own destruction unlike Jesus Christ he cannot be raised from the dead.Sooner or later satanic cults will come to know that Satan loses out to God and no matter what he cannot defeat God his former father the one who created him and controls him.
Friday, May 25, 2012
Satan's Loss Too God
Good will always triumph over evil and if anyone thinks about it they can see that there are more holy churches in the world over unholy churches.There are more pastors-ministers-priests-deacons and so on and so on over dark priests and dark priestesses and that should prove that Satan loses to God his former father again.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Satan's Powerless Against Mount Sinai
My first time in Egypt was September of 2005 everything went wrong including my first attempt to hike up to the top of Mount Sinai my legs gave out at 1500 feet and to the top is almost 7500 feet.After I failed I wanted to try again and at the last minute the tour was canceled and that left me depressed and defeated and that night in my hotel room I said to God in my prayers that I was going back in 6 months and nothing would stop me.In the middle of the night I woke up at 3 a.m. and I couldn't breathe it felt like I was being suffocated.I turned to my my right and saw this hideous white face staring at me it was there for a few moments and faded after I looked at it and focused God is more powerful than Satan.It was clear that Satan didn't want me on top of Mount Sinai.Six months later I went back and this time I made it to the top in 3 hours I had little time to train in six months and after I got there I was able to do this I told people if I didn't make it this time then I would die trying and I would not leave there until I made it.God gave me the strength to make it to the top and since then all fears of evil were completely gone.As far as that hideous face next too me in my bed most people would not take that serious of what I wrote I would simply tell those who doubt that.Give me Sodium Pentathol the drug that makes people tell the truth and see if I made it up.
Monday, May 21, 2012
South Africa Vampirism
I expected South Africa to have parts that practice voodooism not vampirism but on my traffic report there is a place called South Africa Vampire News that read my blog.If any of you are reading this and your like other vampire cults that can claim draining a life force then try it on me.The power of Mount Sinai is in me and nothing considered unholy to God affects me and thats the power of Mount Sinai.
Friday, May 18, 2012
Satan And Others Lose
Between this blog and satanic cults have something in common with mistresses-domanitrixes-supremacists-voodooism-vampirism-witches-warlocks all seem to think they have some type of power alot of people don't have.The reality of it all is that God has supreme powers no one else has,Satan can't defeat his former father and he knows it.As far as the others I had just wrote about are just as foolish claiming to be gods and goddesses who have no supreme powers.They mock and insult God by wanting to be worshiped and many expect to be worshiped but little do they know they are human beings and cannot do the supreme things only God can do and one day they will feel his wrath unless they repent now and ask God for his holy forgiveness and the father does forgive.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Dark Priestesses & Dark Priests
When I check my stats every day I not only see how many people read my blog I can also see what countries have read it along with my page views.It seems the previous post I wrote about dark priests and dark priestesses peaked intrest.Now if any of you have any ideas of placing spells or curses on me I would think twice about it.I've said it time and time again I have the power of Mount Sinai in me there is not anything evil or unholy that can effect me and as usual Satan fails again.
Saturday, May 12, 2012
MOUNT SINAI---Over--Satan
No power on earth or from Hell could stop God from writing His Ten Commandments and this proves my point that Satan cannot defeat God his former father.Satanic cults all over the world who read this blog will come to know that God is the only one in the universe who holds supreme powers.They are so supreme that nothing evil can break me whether it's spells or curses or demons even Satan himself does not have the unholy power to break me and pull me away from God.Thanks to my heavenly father and the power of Mount Sinai.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Satan's Obituary
He was first created as Lucifer the prefect angel in Heaven he was the highest angel in heaven history as well as God's favorite angel.Until he tried to cause a rebellion and betray his father and from there he was cast down into Hell for 1000 years until God released him.Now known as Satan he is the evil one often called the prince of darkness but his time is coming he cannot defeat God his former father and he will die for what he's done he will never escape God or his supreme wrath.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Satan KeepsFailing
When a near tragedy almost stikes and some people are about to die it is often said the angels saved someone or a higher power gets the glory.All from God himself now on the other hand there is never talk of demons and a lower power saving certain people.It looks like Satan fails again to God his former father.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Satan Fails Again & Again
Fact (God Is More Powerful Than Satan) It was God who created Lucifer from the beginning and only God control his powers.Mount Sinai is where God wrote His Ten Commandments and 666 is Satan's return to the earth.This is where Satan fails again Mount Sinai is more popular than Satan's return.This is so typical that Satan keeps losing to God and no matter what Satan can never defeat God.
Monday, May 7, 2012
The most feared Dark Priests & Dark Priestesses most likely from Europe and South America combined with voodooism-vampirism-witchcraft-warlocks-paranormal-666-Lucifer now Satan everything totally combined at 3 a.m.the demonic witching hour cannot touch me.No spell or curse is that powerful to break me because of God and Mount Sinai but I will give you people of Satan a different metaphor.At some point have some of you ever placed a spell on me? The kind where people like yourselves would all gather at the unholy hour and pray a dark prayer if we can't break him then lets try and make him like us.If he becomes dark and evil like us then he will lose everything that is good and holy (It Won't Work)
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Satan Fails Again
Not all towns but quite a few have religious book stores and cafes and it seems that Satan fails again more so when it comes to satanic book stores and cafes where his followers can gather.The thing about is if there were as many of these types of businesses in towns that have religious stores and cafes most people would find them offensive especially churches in those towns.Come to think of it if satanic cults ever did this publicly most people would treat them like a Frankenstein movie where villiagers wanted no part of a monster.It seems that Satan cannot get the better of God and he will never be able to defeat his former father he always loses.
Friday, May 4, 2012
Satan Is Powerless
It has been said that Satan can also see everything on earth and if that is true then why hasn't he killed me? Think about it I have been promoting his death 4 years and I'm still here and if the so called prince of darkness was so powerful he would have got too me and he didn't.Because God will not allow it he is the only one who controls Satan and whether he likes it or now Satan cannot defeat his former father Satan's a loser when it comes to God-Jesus-and Heaven and the glory of them all.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Mount Sinai In Egypt
The most special mountain in the entire world because God wrote His Ten Commandments there over 3000 years ago.Nothing on earth could prevent this because God himself wrote them Mount Sinai is in the holy land which God created and I don't feel anyone will ever truly know how powerful it is.Ever since I came back from there all fears of evil are gone.Voodooism-Vampirism-Witchcraft-Warlocks and all unholy spells and dark curses will not work on me.If all the main people in the the dark arts all were assembled together and combined forces at 3 a.m.the demonic witching hour and prayed to Satan for all to cast spells and curses on me they will all fail.I also wrote in an earlier post that The Italian Mafia met in upstate the 1970's with all top members of organized crime and if all those in the dark arts ever choose too meet over this blog and try and curse me with help from Satan they will all lose and they will know Satan lost and it's because of God.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Between this blog and Gods Ten Commandments I have 64 different countries that already viewed them and I was surprised today after reading my stats that Bosnia and Herzegovina have read this blog.I expected The Czech Republic and Romania to have been added to my stats there are some people in those two countries that don't like me or my blogs.They know I promote Gods Ten Commandments and if any of them read this later on-I am NOT one of your puppets who have no will of their own because of your own evil ways.I can easily put here the websites who hate me they are from they are from Denmark-Canada-Germany-Romania-The Czech Republic.These groups mock God and they also know about my other as far as who they are I will not give them the satisfaction by writing their websites on my blog I won't help you promote and if by any chance any of them click on here or my other blog-Repent while you have time otherwise feel God's Supreme Wrath later on and you will beg for mercy.
Russian Readers
Everyday I check my stats and next to The USA the majority of my readers are from Russia they have more views than Germany and The United Kingdom which are close behind in my ratings.As far as the Russian Readers I read something on the internet that satanism is growing in Russia and a satanic cult mocked a church with blood and demonic symbols.Now if any satanic cults from Russia are reading my blog know this and know this well.Eventually God will punish you and Satan will not be able to help you or protect you from God his former father.You people have no idea what God will do to you if you continue to worship Satan.He cannot defeat for his former father and he can't even protect himself from God.Oh and if any of them try casting a spell or curse on me they will fail.The power of Mount Sinai is in me now and evil has no effect.That mountain is more powerful than anything on earth or from hell itself it's in The Holy Land where Satan is powerless.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Satan Loses To God
Whether it's paper money or coin money it states In God We Trust-----Never Satan.Now why is that? It is very simple God will not allow Satan to be over him only underneath him.The so called prince of darkness is always powerless against God his former father and no matter how hard he tries will fail over and over.
Monday, April 30, 2012
I've also done research on Warlocks and they claim to have the power to call upon spirits and some of them are referred to The Paranormal.If it wasn't witches-voodooism-vampirism-devil worship it has also been warlocks.I've had experiences in the paranormal for over 3 years and if that can't get too me I doubt if warlocks can.I can harp on this again and again but ever since I came back from Mount Sinai all fear of evil is gone.It could come back as an entity that really makes no difference.Alot of people do not realize how powerful Mount Sinai really is.
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Satan Almost Had Me
Las Vegas is called the devils playground as well as sin city and I was a part of that for 9 years and as a result all the money I had was wasted on visits and living there twice.It had such a hold on me it cost me my former marriage and the best job I ever had.My former gambling days were so horrible I once got 3 hours sleep in 2 days and I was drawn to that place like a magnet and I had no will of my own and I constantly ignored everyone.Then one day God took over and freed me and from The Nevada Desert to The Sinai Desert worked.I have not set foot in Las Vegas since 1999 and 5 years later I finally gave my life up to God.Despite the opportunitys and temptations to go back I didn't because of God himself and Mount Sinai over powered Las Vegas.Satan almost had me but almost doesn't count and it looks like Satan failed again and the more I have the power of Mount Sinai in me the more Satan fails to tempt me and fails against God permanently.
Friday, April 27, 2012
European Readers
It seems every day I check my stats I see alot of views from Germany-France-Norway-Netherlands but not as much as Russia viewers.I know for a fact that satanic cults are in Germany and France even as I type right now France viewed this blog.Now if for some reason if any satanic cults from the countries I listed above are reading this and if you people are offended what I write about Satan then get used too seeing it on my blog.I hate and despise that low life he is purely evil and I don't care if he has the power to give his followers unholy powers it will be useless.Spells and Curses don't work on me more simply put since I came back from Mount Sinai 6 years ago all fear of evil is gone-God is more powerful than Satan.
Another Failure By Satan
When Jesus Christ was crucified you can bet Satan was there watching in his own dark glory but 3 days later his dark joy was short lived.God rose his only son from the dead and there wasn't anything Satan could do about it.I am curious if the prince of darkness is so powerful then why didn't he stop God from raising Jesus Christ from the dead? Because he is not powerful like his former father and he never will be.God created him in the first place and controls everything about him.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
God Rules Satan
Before Moses brought down God's Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai first he had to part the red sea with his staff.The only reason Moses was able to part the red sea was because God made that staff powerful enough from His Kingdom and from there Moses freed his people from slavery.Now if Satan was so powerful then why didn't he use his own powers to prevent Moses from doing both of these powerful things? The answers are very simple God would not allow Satan to interfere at both holy miracles from God.That was one reason and another reason is that God rules Satan and sooner or later all those who follow Satan will come to realize that God is more powerful and has continues to control Satan permanently.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
God Forgives--Satan Doesn't
Vanity is something Satan thrives on he wants people to be weak and come too him when they all want something that seems impossible to have.There is no telling how many people have sold their souls to get what they want and at the time some people didn't realize what it meant to sell their soul to the prince of darkness.Were all human and God expects us to be confused in times of trouble and the unfortuante part that alot of people prayed to Satan for help before they did God.If there are still people who pray and worship Satan and have mixed feelings about him and want to leave him God will forgive them.The heavenly father see's everything on earth the universe and everything inside peoples hearts and if some people are truly sorry for going to Satan instead of the heavenly father and ask forgiveness God will forgive them and they will not have to fear Satan any longer.The heavenly father will protect them from the evil one he has no chance against God his former father if he did then Satan would've taken over the world.
Sunday, April 22, 2012
God Is More Powerful Than Satan
When The Titanic sank they said that even God couldn't sink it.They were wrong The King Of His Universe created everything and that included weather and weather related things.The Titanic was so gigantic it had no chance against an iceberg and if that is so what kind of a chance does Satan have against his former father who sent him to Hell? Helpless and he cannot defeat God his former father.
Friday, April 20, 2012
Satan's Satanic Cults
Holy and Unholy churches do the same thing and try and get people to join them and the more members they have the more their causes are met.I cant even count how many email inviations I sent out to satanic cults to read this blog whether it was here or on you tube.Certain ones on you tube replied back too me and invited me to join them and there cause to worship Satan.I told them NO pure and simple and I also told them that Satan is the father of all lies and he will give them what they want in the beginning but in the end he will leave them after he has no further use of them.It's been proven in history that once Satan corrupts people and they give into his temptations and something bad happens they suffer without his help.Satan is a user he will do anything to get back at God his former father and one day people who give in too him will realize he is a dirty double crosser.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Satan's False Desciples
While I was speaking against Satan on you tube 3 years ago someone sent me a message and told me that he was actually Satan.He told me that he has seen my blogs and he also told me that I was going to die in 5 years and he will be waiting for me in Hell.I told him that Satan can see everything on earth and if he really was Satan then answer 5 questions about me he couldn't even answer one of them.I also called him a fake and a fraud and I also told him God decides when I die not Satan.He warned me not to make him angry and the next day my computer crashed it made no difference I knew this man was a fake.Just like I told someone else on you tube about the woman I wrote about that was beautiful with a black heart she isn't real despite what I was told on you tube that she is watching and waiting for me on her estate in Europe.As I wrote in this blog they are Satan's false desciples I didn't take either of them seriously mostly the woman in a remote part of Europe plotting to lure me there and keep me there permanently.
Omen From Satan
Rather bizzare in 2006 when the year began I wanted to focus on it being a better year but it didn't seem to work out that way.I had said to God in my prayers that I kept reading about so many false gods and false goddesses and I would research them and from there I would start to promote God's 1st Commandment.At that time Satan didn't even come to mind but that night I had a horrible nightmare where I saw myself getting on an elevator and after the door closed I saw this thing in a black robe and a black hood.It's eyes were white and dark red and the teeth on this thing were black and decayed.It was positively hideous looking and it reached out to grab me.It seemed so real I jumped out of my sleep and was afraid to go back too sleep.Our dreams and nightmares don't come from us but from the subconscious they are existing thoughts beyond and beneath consciousness and they are also totality of processes which the person is not aware of.Two months later I went to Mount Sinai and all fears of Satan and evil were gone.I also had a major gambling problem in Las Vegas I first set foot there on Thursday July 12 1990 and 16 years later on Thursday July 12 2006 I was on the internet praising God and that is when my internet was ruined when lightning struck the phone line.That was the 2nd time in two years that lightning struck but this time my phone was working while my internet was shot and while I was praising God.From there I emailed pastors and ministers and told them this and some said it was an Omen from Satan.Other's said Satan had me marked for death and one minister told me that somehow without knowing it I caused an opening of a satanic realm.Despite all that Satan will never cause me to be afraid of unholy things again because God made me stronger on Mount Sinai it makes sense being the holy land where God wrote His Ten Commandments I don't doubt my heavenly father.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Vampire Cults
As I check my daily stats I not only see European countries that read this blog very often but I also noticed that there were 70 pages views alone on vampirism.This is a serious and even a dangerous cult.Drinking someone elses blood can not only cause someone to be H.I.V.Positive they can also contract Hepatitus.Some of these vampire cults think they can defeat death and have physical immortality it doesn't work that way.Only God has supreme control over life and death.I should know I almost died from 3 blood clots-pneumonia-a threat of lung cancer as well as choking to death,water in my lungs and 3 near car crashes which I could have died and the only reason I survived all this is because of God himself.It is rather bizzare that all this began 13 years ago in 1999,take the three 9's and turn them upside down they are 666.It's been said that all bad things come from the devil and if that is so then Satan must enjoy watching me suffer and being in fear.But ever since I came back from Mount Sinai six years ago and from there all fear of evil is gone.No Vampire life force can drain me-No Voodoo curse can touch me-No Witches or Warlocks can cast spells on me.As usual God gets all the glory for this over me.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Satan's Daughter? Beautiful Woman / Black Heart
Beautiful Woman / Black Heart is a fiction book I wrote and am waiting for my copyrights and later this year my book will be published.Someone on You Tube sent me a message telling me this woman is real and she is watching me and waiting for me.This woman cannot possibly exist she is feared by mistresses and domanitrixes,devil worshippers are cautious of her.This black hearted woman is extremely wealthy and educated and she lives in a remote part of Europe far away from society to do all her evil things.She hates and despises anyone who mocks Lucifer her deep dark father.Next to Satan she has me on the top of her list and again she is not real despite what someone who sent me a message on you tube and later canceled their account long enough to give me a satanic message like that.For this woman to exist it would take an act of Satan and if by some bizarre chance this woman actually exists and is reading this blog.Guess what lady? You will never break me-out think me-or get me to go to Lucifer.I will tell you the same thing I've told others-Maybe God did something too me on top of Mount Sinai without me knowing it.In all my life I am completely unafraid of anything evil and one day you will come to realize that God is more powerful than Satan and as long as I serve my heavenly father anything evil has no power over me.
Monday, April 16, 2012
Satan Loses To God Again
Thou Shalt Have No Other gods Before Me as God made his 1st Commandment-If any satanic cults are reading this there is only one God the one who counts.The one who rose Jesus Christ from the dead-The one who created Heaven and Hell-The one who created Lucifer and sent him to Hell for 1000 years before he released him.The one who has holy churches all over the world that will always have more than Satan's unholy churches.In God we trust on money where Satan's name is forbidden-God's Ten Commandments which are displayed in certain public buildings while Satan is not allowed it sure looks like God wins.
I have also done research on vampire cults and although they do not beleive in Satan they pray to undead gods which in alone goes against Gods 1st Commandment.Alot of these people are dumb and foolish by drinking each others blood there is a world wide epedemic of AIDS.It doesn't matter if someone is tested negative when HIV is ready to surface it will and as far as these cults who pray to the undead they also claim they can draw the lifeforce from human beings and if any vampire priests or priestesses are reading this look at my photo and try and draw the life force from me and the end result will be failure you people have no power over me and you never will God made me stronger for a reason one which your powerless.
Saturday, April 14, 2012
I did alot of research on voodooism which is considered unholy to christians and from all the research I did I can see why.Some of the Voodoo Priests & Voodoo Priestesses call spells and curses Mojo's and can often invoke fear into some people who are afraid of voodooism and many of these people cave in and give into fear.More so if they hear voodoo gods & voodoo goddesses and that in intself goes against God's 1st Commandment.I've had little contact with people who practice voodooism and I simply told them to focus on my photo and try making a voodoo doll of me or praying to their so called voodoo gods and voodoo goddesses and the end result will be the same failure.I can write this over and over but ever since I came back from Mount Sinai six years ago all fears of evil are gone and it no longer has an effect on me.So if any people who practice voodooism in Africa or France are reading my blog your welcome to try and place a voodoo curse or spell over me and it will be a waste of your time.God is the only one who holds supreme power all other so called gods and goddesses are false and as far as unholy that comes from Satan who loses to God his former father who created him and still controls him and will destroy him.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Open Message To Satanic Cults
In the past 8 years I've done a great deal of research on Satan-satanic cults-uhnoly churches-dark arts-dark priests-dark priestessess-blood cults-voodooism-vampirism-witches-warlocks and this is only for this blog alone.It seems every day I check my stats on the audience page I am seeing views from Germany-Russia-France quite often but mostly Germany.Now if any satanic cults are reading this blog now you know as well as I do Satan is real and has powers of his own and I saw this with my own eyes 3 years ago in my old apartment.In the middle of the night I felt a pair of hands push my back and when I turned over this thing in a black robe with a hood on was just staring at me it's face was positively hideous and all I did was look back and focused God is more powerful than Satan and it faded.There are probably most people who would not believe in something like that I would simply tell them to give me Sodium Pentathol and see if I was making something like that up.I actually hope that the darkest priests & preistesses would all try and place an unholy dark curse on me because if they do they will fail.Satan no longer has any power over me nor can he evoke fear into since I came back from Mount Sinai where God wrote his Ten Commandments.
Dark Demonic Prayer
In the 1970's The Italian Mafia held a meeting of the top mafia leaders in America to meet and discuss organized crime but they were foiled.I often think if the top satanic cults from other countries in Europe and South America are holding a private meeting on behalf of Satan their prince of darkness.Some of them take Satan very serious and are devoted too him and here is an example 3 years ago I spent two weeks on You Tube trying to help a woman from England who told me she walked away from God and chose to worship Satan.No matter how much I proved to her the things Satan cannot do and loses to God she remained loyal too him.She also warned me not to keep mocking Satan because satanic cults would be offended and this is where I began to wonder if certain dark priests and dark priestesses are holding a private meeting on Friday The 13th which is considered Satan's holiday.Now if this were true and if any dark demonic cults who are so focused on Satan and his glory have read my blog.Are they all planning to gather at 3 A.M.on Friday The 13th and pray to Satan for an unholy miracle against me? I wouldn't be surprised if any of them have been praying that Satan can place a curse or spell on me and if they do the end result will be the same Failure.Maybe God did something too me on top of Mount Sinai in 2006 without me knowing it.Because ever since I came back all my fears of evil are gone Satan has no power over me anymore.His follwers can cast all the spells and curses they want on me it's no use God wins.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Satan Lost To God
In the holy bible-Revelation-Chapter 20 Verse-7 And when the thousand years are expired Satan shall be loosed out of his prison.In all the time and damage Satan has done to the earth he is still a loser to God.He did not have his way and have unholy churches in his name instead of God and Jesus-Satan's own Ten Commandments are not in court houses-Satan's own demise of being sent to Hell is not honored as it is for Jesus Christ on Good Friday.Satan's release from hell is not recognized as joy as it is for Jesus Christ on Easter Sunday.Satan cannot be publicly glorified as Satan bless you that Belongs to God only.His name is not on money as only God's is in God we trust he losese to God his former father over and over.
I also did research on witchcraft another area where pastors and ministers from holy churches do not research.In 2006 a woman who practiced witchcraft told me she was going to cast a spell on me and break my will.I laughed at her and told her to try it I also told her spells and curses will not work on me and I proved her wrong.For a very simple reason ever since I came back from Mount Sinai in Egypt I grew stronger because of God and all spells and curses on me all fail.The more I defy people who have powers the more they fail and they will keep failing no matter what they try on me thanks be to God my father.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
God's 1 Commandment Over False gods
The other research I've done was also on voodooism and vampirism and many of these people pray to their so called Undead-gods.The vampires bible is to also attempt to draw life force from human beings and voodoosim also pray to uhholy gods by their standards.Now if by any chance there vampire cults and voodoo cults are offended by my blog and if they don't think that God in heaven in the only God who counts-Then try and place a voodoo curse on me and vampire cults can attempt to try and draw the life force from me and the end result will be failure.God in heaven placed a shield around me and nothing unholy can pass it and in time vampire cults and voodoo cults will come to know that God is more powerful than the unholy ones they pray to.These people never had any power over and cant will no matter how hard they try.
Dark Priests & Dark Priestesses
Over the past 5 years I have done a great deal of research on satanic cults and I learned alot where most pastors and ministers from holy churches will not attempt to study.In the research I did I also learned that the most serious dark priests and dark priestesses are from Europe and South America.These people cannot be accepted in regular citys because they can invoke fear in some people who are afraid of Satan.They also have some unholy powers to do things for example there are pastors and minsters who pray for miracles from God and Jesus and it has been proven but they get this from Heaven.The ones I did research on can cast spells and curses that are considered unholy and they come from Satan who has powers of his own.As for myself ever since I came back from Mount Sinai in 2006 all my fears of Satan are gone he no longer has any power over me and no matter if there are some dark priests and dark priestesses who can pray a dark prayer at 3 a.m.the demonic hour for powers from Satan to place spells and curses on those who mock the prince of darkness are useless on me.Spells and Curses will not work on me because of God himself the heavenly father is too powerful for Satan and controls him and his powers.Now if by some chance the most feared dark priests and dark priestesses got together and took my photo in this blog and prayed during the demonic hour and asked Satan to break me it will all be a waste of time.For a simple reason I grew stronger on top of Mount Sinai the holy mountain all because of my father and no matter what Satan cannot break God's Ten Commandments or me for that matter.
Monday, April 9, 2012
Satan Loses To God Again
Last week was holy week in honor of God and Satan and in that time many tv networks have shown The Ten Commandments and it seems that Satan's own ten commandments cannot be glorified on tv or any place else for that matter.This is only one reason why Satan cannot defeat his former father in any kind of glory.The glory of God is more world wide than Satan's and no matter how much satanic cults think their prince of darkness is great God is greate God Is King Of His Universe and King Of Independence and maker of The Ten Commandments on top of Mount Sinai in the holy land and Satan has none of this.
Saturday, April 7, 2012
For My International Readers
It's amazing how many readers I get on a daily basis and the majority of different countries that read my blog are from Germany-Russia-United Kingdom but more from Germany and it would not surprise me at all if some readers are from Dusseldorf.There some people from there that do not like me or my other but they are another matter.Alot of cults are most likely reading this and if I offended you by mocking Satan that's the way it is your so called prince of darkness is a loser when it comes to God his former father he never could defeat God it's useless.
Friday, April 6, 2012
Satan Lost To Jesus
Today is Good Friday and it recognizes when Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross and died and this is how Satan lost to Christ.When Lucifer fell into disgrace from God his former father he was sent to Hell for 1000 years before God released him.This is not a world wide holiday that pays tribute to Satan as it does for Jesus.Easter Sunday is recognized that Jesus Christ was risen from the dead by God his father and is a world wide holiday.When Satan was released from Hell it has not been declared a world wide holiday as Jesus Christ has and Christmas is a world wide holiday that Jesus Christ was born and there is no world wide holiday that Satan was created as Lucifer by God and it seems time and time again Satan will lose out to Jesus Christ and God his former father.
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Gods Ten Commandments Over Satans Bible
The Devils Bible was written over 800 years ago by a Monk who sold his own soul to Satan to be able to write it.It's been verified that the ink and paper were not used in modern days as we know them.Presently the devils bible is in Sweden in a museum on display and here is how Satan loses again to God.After Moses brought down Gods Ten Commandments from Mount Sinai,God wrote a second set and they are incased in a gold chest and presently they are in Tuscany Italy and it has been reported anyone who attempted to remove Gods Ten Commandments died instantly and that holds true for anyone else who attempt to remove them.Satans bible is on display and there were some people who were able to remove the devils bible from The Czech Republic and transport it from there to Sweden.Gods Ten Commandments were brought to Italy as long as the gold chest was unopened unlike Satans bible curious people examined it while no one on earth can examine Gods Ten Commandments and one day satanic cults will take my blog as one that is profound enough to expose the truth that God is more powerful than Satan and that Satan can never defeat God his former father.He had no power over God in Heaven and he has no power over God in all of the universe where he was considered a bright light not The King Of The Universe only belongs to God the only one who controls Satan.
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Satan Failed To Have Me
In 2006 I was more determined to go back to Mount Sinai and reach the top which I did and later that year I had the most horrible nightmare of my whole life so much to the point where I had jumped out of my sleep.Dreams and Nightmares come from our subconscious they are not only existing thoughts beneath and beyond consciousness they are also totality of processes in which the individual is not aware of.Six months after I came back from the holy land I had a normal day by doing my daily things and before I went too sleep I said my prayers to God and in the middle of the night before I jumped out of my sleep I saw myself driving down a dirt road.It was completely deserted no human signs or life or even trees or anything I saw myself getting out of my car walking as the sun went down.On my left was a huge wall of RED FIRE on my right was a huge WHITE CLOUD.In the nightmare Satan spoke to God and his exact words to his former father were:I AM GOING TO TAKE HIM AWAY FROM YOU:That was 6 years ago and Satan still failed to have me.He will do anything and everything to have me-He will tempt me with things that most of us dream about and I won't give in to his temptations.Satan is the father of all lies and no matter how much sataanic cults think their prince of darkness can do anything they are very much mistaken for a simple reason:God is more powerful than Satan and no matter how hard Satan tries he cannot defeat God his former father and he can't have me despite all the horror he inflicted on me this past 8 years.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Satan Cannot Break My Own Will
Since I began promoting Gods Ten Commandments 8 years ago my own life began a living Hell and in all that time:Too many unholy things happened too me-Something grabbed ahold of both of my ankles even during a pray to God.My bed was completely shaking while I was in it,there were times I would wake up and feel suffocated,my blanket was pulled off me in the middle of the night.I had horrible nightmares seeing visions of fire and things that were not human and at one point I woke up in the middle of the night and saw this thing in a black robe with a hood on with a hideous looking face staring at me before it vanished.Back then I was terrified and was afraid to go too sleep but as time went by I grew stronger and all of this past evil has no effect on me.Even my first time in the holy land going to Mount Sinai I failed to hike up the top of the mountain and quit.Back in my hotel room I said to God in prayer I would come back to Mount Sinai and reach the top next time.In the middle of the night during the unholy hour I had woke up and felt suffocated and saw this horrible face staring at me and then it faded away.It was in the holy land and even there Satan couldn't break my will and he no longer has any effect on me because-God Made Me Stronger-Many people would think this all was a fantasy and for those who doubted me I simply told them to give me-Sodium Pentathol-and see if I were making this all up.There was a time Satan terrified me and I was afraid of him but ever since I came back from Mount Sinai 6 years I grew stronger because of my Heavenly Father and as a result Satan no longer has any powers over me and one day satanic cults will come to realize Satan cannot defeat God his former father and can't break me.
Monday, April 2, 2012
April Fools Day--Satan
Show me anyone who thinks they can defeat God and I will show you a fool.April 1st in The USA is considered April Fools Day and that's exactly what Satan is not only for trying to overthrow God in Heaven and not only winding down in Hell.But for even thinking he can defeat God it was his former father who created him and gave him powers and glorys in Heaven but only to have them taken away from God.
Saturday, March 31, 2012
How Satan Must Hate Me
Satan challenged God over the man Job if he lost everything would he continue to remain loyal towards God? That man lost everything except his faith in God and was later rewarded with ten times as much as he lost.After Moses died it was God who buried him and Satan argued with God about Moses and I myself later thought how Satan must hate me by promoting his death.The one single weapon I have against Satan is the truth the one barrior he cannot pass and no matter how much satanic cults remain loyal to their prince of darkness sooner or later they will come to know Satan loses to God his former father.He must hate me so much and he is powerless to get ahold of me because God won't allow him.Looks like Satan isn't so powerful after all which I have been saying all along.
Friday, March 30, 2012
Satan's World Wide Disgrace Continues
Between this blog and 50 different countries have viewed this and I am very happy.Not only promoting Gods Ten Commandments but also promoting The Death Of Satan and I know alot of satanic cults are reading this.The more they read this the more they will come to know that Satan cannot defeat God his former father,he never had any power over God and never will.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Satan Fails To God Again
When God first created him as Lucifer the perfect angel he later fell to disgrace and was sent to hell for 1000 years and had to remain there until God released him.Only God The King Of His Universe and everything else also created time and only the heavenly father can control time Satan cannot.
Friday, March 16, 2012
From The Nevada Desert To The Sinai Desert
Satan had a hold on me when I was in Las Vegas,I lived there twice and took many trips in 9 years and lost everything I ever had.Vegas is often called The Devil's Playground and if God didn't take over I would have been out in the street and 6 years later I went to the Sinai desert up to the top of Mount Sinai.Just goes to show God saved me from Satan and he is more powerful than the prince of darkness and how Satan is fuming that he no longer had his hold on me and keeps losing.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Satan Will Always Fail To God
After Moses came Samson and he was commanded by God to free his own people from slavery and granted even though he lost his eyesight God later gave him his strength one last time to tare down the pillars.So here is where Satan failed again he did not have his own lawgiver and he did not give someone the physical strength to be the strongest man in the world.Nor did Satan ever have that kind of authority.God gave that kind of authority for Samson to destroy his enemies who worshiped a false god and a graven image which goes against God's 1st and 2nd Commandments.Again Satan failed to God his former father and Satan cannot defeat his former father.
Monday, March 12, 2012
3 A.M. The Unholy Hour
Sometimes I get the feeling somewhere in Europe and South America there are satanic cults who consist of dark priests and dark priestesses and they all join hands in a dark circle at the unholy hour and pray to Satan for guidence and to worship him and they probably pray to him against me for mocking Satan.These satanic families overlooked something God controls Satan's powers and everything he does.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
God's Ten Commandments Rules Satan's Ten Commandments
When God wrote His Ten Commandments over 3000 years he commanded Moses to be his law giver and Moses in his own right was a powerful man.He wasn't only the prince of Egypt he was also a general who defeated army's and he was the only one who was present when God wrote His Ten Commandments.Satan also has his own ten commandments and most likely they are included in the devils bible and even so Satan did not have a law giver like Moses nor did he ever write his own commandments for a deliverer to see first hand.God always was and still is more powerful than Satan and that includes Ten Commandments as can be seen in my one of my other blogs and I also have many enemies who don't like me for what I do.It is against people who many men call themselves lords,women call themselves goddesses,people making their own ten commandments all who also expect to be bowed down and worshiped as well as promote slavery.As I have told many of them over the years:Repent while there is time and God will forgive them before he takes them and once that happens God will not allow them into heaven and send them to hell if they continue to mock and insult the heavenly
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Satan Loses To God And Jesus
God's only son is Jesus Christ and Satan had no power over Christ in the desert when he tried to tempt him.Satan has no son and the only thing he does have is the anti-christ and taking him and putting him against the son of God is a waste of time.Satan cannot defeat God his former father he can never defeat Jesus Christ he will continue to lose to both but more so God has controlled Satan from the very beginning to the present and will destroy him when it's time when God finalizes Satan's death and there is nothing he can do but die.
Monday, March 5, 2012
God Rules Satan
When lucifer was first created he was known as morning star which can be seen from the planet venus at dawn.It was God his former father who created the universe and in that creation was his former favorite angel Lucifer who later became known as Satan.He was created from the very beginning of his existence to what he is now and will always be controlled by God and for someone who is considered so powerful after being called the prince of darkness:Why is it that Satan cannot overthrow his former father back then in heaven and the present time? Because God still rules him.
Sunday, March 4, 2012
God's Day Over Satan's Day
God's 4th Commandment:Remember The Sabbath Day To Keep It Holy is recognized all over the world because it is a commandment written by God.Friday The 13th which is Satan's day because it is based on evil and bad things and yet God's day is more recognized and more powerful which only goes to show that God is more powerful than Satan in every sense of the word or all words since God rules Satan.
Thursday, March 1, 2012
More Disgraces By Satan
Has any satanic cult ever wondered why is it that when there is a tragedy and all of a sudden it turns well and people say Thank God? Do you people ever think newscasters will ever say thank Satan on the air? This will never happen for a simple reason God is supreme and Satan is not and never will be compared to his former father God controls Satan in all different ways and no matter how hard he tries Satan will always fail when it comes to God his supreme superior.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Satan's Power Is Fading
I thought I would end my February posts with a different twist and this is for satanic cults to read.When people choose to love God over Satan he is furious with them because they chose not to worship him but chose to worship God his former father.Now here is the twist Satan can also see everything on earth and there is no doubt he is furious with me promoting his death so here is my question to satanic cults:How come Satan hasn't killed me by now? 4 years after I began this blog and I am still here I will answer the question for you people:Satan cannot kill me for a specific reason:God will not permit him to do it.Read the story of Job in the holy bible about a man who praised God for years until Satan challenged God would Job remain faithful if he lost everything? God allowed Satan to take everything away from Job but couldn't kill him.It rather proves my point Satan's power is fading and if it wasn't he would have killed me by now but can't because God won't allow him to do this because he's controlled by God.
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Satan's World Wide Disgrace Growing More
Google blogs have a world wide audience page and besides The USA my blog has expanded over to The Middle East-South America and Europe on this blog alone and my other blogs which is on my profile page are God Is King Of His Universe and Gods Ten Commandments have also attracted a world wide audience.But the one against Satan is out-doing all my other blogs on a steady basis and I know that some satanic cults have read this after I sent them email invitations.It seems that alot of satanic cults who continue to worship the prince of darkness still cannot comprehend that it was God who first created him as Lucifer and now known mostly as Satan.It is God who controls Satan not the other way around and no matter what Satan cannot defeat God his former father.
Monday, February 27, 2012
Satan's Death Is Coming From God
There's an old saying you can run but you can't hide and the world is not big enough for Satan to run and hide from his former father.God see's everything on earth as well in his universe and he knows where Satan is at every single moment and when the time comes Satan will die from the hand of God his former father and there is nothing Satan can do about it.
Friday, February 24, 2012
Satan's World Wide Disgrace Is Expanding
As of today not only is his disgrace in Europe and South America Satan's disgrace is now in the middle east country:Turkey and the more visitors I have on this blog alone the more will know that God is more powerful than Satan.No matter what his followers think of their prince of darkness they should know it was God who created Lucifer and still controls him and just as important Satan never could defeat God his former father and he never will.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Satan's Debut Failure
From the beginning he was created as Lucifer who became God's favorite and highest angel only to let his own ambitons ruin his life in heaven.He tried to overthrow God his father and had no power to do this and as a result he was sent to hell for 1000 years until God released him.Even in the very beginning Lucifer had no power over God because his former father gave him powers of his own and yet they were not powerful enough to take over.Now he known as Satan The Prince Of Darkness and despite the damage he has done to the world he cannot do damage to God his former father and if he had his way there would be no holy churches,no holy holidays,no God's Ten Commandments,nothing about Jesus Christ or saints in heaven.He does not have this type of power where he can take over the world and have the complete reverse in his own honor.I hope that satanic cults who are reading this know that Satan is a loser and cannot defeat God then and now and Satan never will because God controls him.
Monday, February 20, 2012
God Was Here Before Satan
It was God who created The Earth-The Universe-The Ten Commandments-Heaven and Hell.It was God who created then Lucifer now known as Satan.The King Of His Universe has supreme control over his former favorite angel and one day satanic cults who worship the prince of darkness will finally realize that God is more powerful than Satan,he created him and can destroy him and the only thing Satan can do is die.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Satan's World Wide Disgrace Is Growing
Between this blog and have gained 27 different countries world wide for people to read.Until God decides to bring me home I am going to keep promoting His Ten Commandments as well as The Death Of Satan in either case God is more powerful than Satan.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
The Death Of Satan
He was first created as Lucifer by his former father God and became the highest angel in heaven as well as God's favorite angel until he tried to overthrow his former father.His punishment was being sent to hell for 1000 years until God decided to release him and he is now known as Satan.Despite all the damage Satan has done over the past 2000 years alone he is still controlled by God and no matter how evil he is his own death will come from his former father.
Monday, February 13, 2012
Message For Those Who Worship Satan
I know this blog is being watched by some satanic cults and I can tell you this now God is more powerful than Satan.Has it occured to any of you that if you walked away from Satan that God will forgive you? All you have to do is ask God to forgive you and he will as far as Satan he does not want anyone serving God.None of you have anything to fear from Satan it is God who controls him and his powers and if any of you decide to walk away from Satan-God will protect all of you from him.Satan never was more powerful than his former father and never will be.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Satan's World Wide Disgrace Expanding
The more I click onto my blog the more countries I see that are reading it and I am going to keep promoting Satan's downfall and failures and that God is more powerful than Satan who was once God's favorite angel then called Lucifer who fell into disgrace by God his former father.
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
More Failures Of Satan
Does anyone ever notice on the news if tragedy strikes and in some cases people are powerless to help enough? Some will say it will take a miracle and they pray to God for the kind of help that people cannot do.Others will say on the news Thank God it can be reporters or the public but Satan cannot have this type of public praise for a simple reason he is not powerful as his former father is and one satanic cults will come to realize God is more powerful than Satan.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Another Of Satan's Failures
It seems when religion is brought to court more so concerning God's Ten Commandments people will do the right thing and fight to keep the commandments.However when Satan's own work is concerned his followers cannot fight for him in court most especaially when it comes to his name:Example on money it often says in God We Trust it can never read in Satan or Lucifer we trust that only belongs to God himself and once again Satan continues to fail when it comes to his former father God.He is a born loser and once satanic cults realize what they are reading they will know that God is more powerful and Satan never had any power over God and never will.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Satan's Downfall Is Expanded
I check the stats here on a regular basis and my blog has now been viewed in Germany and I must say this warms my heart.My goal is not only to expand on The Death Of Satan all over the internet but now all over the world.I want everyone too read what a loser he is and no matter how much damage he has done over the past 2000 years alone he will never defeat God his former father.If any satanic cults are reading this blog they should know that their prince of darkness is no match for God King Of His Universe.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Satan's International Disgrace
I check my stats on a regular basis and I saw my stats and two of the counties were from Austraila and Portugal have read my blog against Satan.It warms my heart letting other countries know what a low life creep Satan really is and he never had any power over God his former father and more important he never will.God controls Satan from the time he created him as Lucifer to the present time and eventually Satan will die by the hand of God and there isn't anything Satan can do: Except Die a horrible death which he deserves.
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